Cristiano Viappiani
Cristiano Viappiani
professore di fisica applicata, Università di Parma
確認したメール アドレス: unipr.it
Internal dynamics and protein–matrix coupling in trehalose-coated proteins
L Cordone, G Cottone, S Giuffrida, G Palazzo, G Venturoli, C Viappiani
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1749 (2), 252-281, 2005
CisTrans Photoisomerization of Fluorescent-Protein Chromophores
V Voliani, R Bizzarri, R Nifosi, S Abbruzzetti, E Grandi, C Viappiani, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (34), 10714-10722, 2008
Evolution of allosteric models for hemoglobin
WA Eaton, ER Henry, J Hofrichter, S Bettati, C Viappiani, A Mozzarelli
IUBMB life 59 (8‐9), 586-599, 2007
New insights into allosteric mechanisms from trapping unstable protein conformations in silica gels
C Viappiani, S Bettati, S Bruno, L Ronda, S Abbruzzetti, A Mozzarelli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (40), 14414-14419, 2004
Time-resolved photothermal methods: accessing time-resolved thermodynamics of photoinduced processes in chemistry and biology
T Gensch, C Viappiani
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2 (7), 699-721, 2003
High and low oxygen affinity conformations of T state hemoglobin
S Bruno, M Bonaccio, S Bettati, C Rivetti, C Viappiani, S Abbruzzetti, ...
Protein Science 10 (11), 2401-2407, 2001
Fast events in protein folding: structural volume changes accompanying the early events in the N→ I transition of apomyoglobin induced by ultrafast pH jump
S Abbruzzetti, E Crema, L Masino, A Vecli, C Viappiani, JR Small, ...
Biophysical journal 78 (1), 405-415, 2000
Structural Volume Changes upon Photoexcitation of Porphyrins: Role of the Nitrogen− Water Interactions
T Gensch, C Viappiani, SE Braslavsky
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (45), 10573-10582, 1999
Green Fluorescent Protein Ground States:  The Influence of a Second Protonation Site near the Chromophore,
R Bizzarri, R Nifosi, S Abbruzzetti, W Rocchia, S Guidi, D Arosio, G Garau, ...
Biochemistry 46 (18), 5494-5504, 2007
Time-resolved methods in Biophysics. 2. Monitoring haem proteins at work with nanosecond laser flash photolysis
S Abbruzzetti, S Bruno, S Faggiano, E Grandi, A Mozzarelli, C Viappiani
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 5, 1109-1120, 2006
Single amino acid replacement makes Aequorea victoria fluorescent proteins reversibly photoswitchable
R Bizzarri, M Serresi, F Cardarelli, S Abbruzzetti, B Campanini, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (1), 85-95, 2010
Residual water modulates the dynamics of the protein and of the external matrix in “trehalose coated ” MbCO: An infrared and flash-photolysis study
F Librizzi, C Viappiani, S Abbruzzetti, L Cordone
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (3), 1193-1200, 2002
The reactivity with CO of AHb1 and AHb2 from Arabidopsis thaliana is controlled by the distal HisE7 and internal hydrophobic cavities
S Bruno, S Faggiano, F Spyrakis, A Mozzarelli, S Abbruzzetti, E Grandi, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (10), 2880-2889, 2007
Kinetics of acid-induced spectral changes in the GFPmut2 chromophore
S Abbruzzetti, E Grandi, C Viappiani, S Bologna, B Campanini, S Raboni, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2), 626-635, 2005
Ligand migration through the internal hydrophobic cavities in human neuroglobin
S Abbruzzetti, S Faggiano, S Bruno, F Spyrakis, A Mozzarelli, S Dewilde, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (45), 18984-18989, 2009
Experimental basis for a new allosteric model for multisubunit proteins
C Viappiani, S Abbruzzetti, L Ronda, S Bettati, ER Henry, A Mozzarelli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (35), 12758-12763, 2014
PEGylation promotes hemoglobin tetramer dissociation
D Caccia, L Ronda, R Frassi, M Perrella, E Del Favero, S Bruno, B Pioselli, ...
Bioconjugate chemistry 20 (7), 1356-1366, 2009
Kinetics of local helix formation in poly-L-glutamic acid studied by time-resolved photoacoustics: neutralization reactions of carboxylates in aqueous solutions and their …
S Abbruzzetti, C Viappiani, JR Small, LJ Libertini, EW Small
Biophysical Journal 79 (5), 2714-2721, 2000
Non-toxic, water-soluble photocalorimetric reference compounds for UV and visible excitation
S Abbruzzetti, C Viappiani, DH Murgida, R Erra-Balsells, GM Bilmes
Chemical physics letters 304 (3-4), 167-172, 1999
The complex of hypericin with β-lactoglobulin has antimicrobial activity with potential applications in dairy industry
B Rodríguez-Amigo, P Delcanale, G Rotger, J Juárez-Jiménez, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 98 (1), 89-94, 2015
論文 1–20