Norberto Marcelo Nigro
Norberto Marcelo Nigro
Investigador Principal del Conicet
確認したメール アドレス: intec.unl.edu.ar
An extended mixture model for the simultaneous treatment of small‐scale and large‐scale interfaces
SM Damián, NM Nigro
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 75 (8), 547-574, 2014
Energy management strategy for fuel cell-supercapacitor hybrid vehicles based on prediction of energy demand
MG Carignano, R Costa-Castelló, V Roda, NM Nigro, S Junco, D Feroldi
Journal of power sources 360, 419-433, 2017
A parallel finite element program on a Beowulf cluster
VE Sonzogni, AM Yommi, NM Nigro, MA Storti
Advances in Engineering Software 33 (7-10), 427-443, 2002
A Petrov-Galerkin formulation for advection-reaction-diffusion problems
S Idelsohn, N Nigro, M Storti, G Buscaglia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 136 (1-2), 27-46, 1996
A fast and accurate method to solve the incompressible Navier‐Stokes equations
SR Idelsohn, NM Nigro, JM Gimenez, R Rossi, JM Marti
Engineering Computations 30 (2), 197-222, 2013
Large time-step explicit integration method for solving problems with dominant convection
S Idelsohn, N Nigro, A Limache, E Oñate
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 217, 168-185, 2012
Numerical simulation of the flow around the Ahmed vehicle model
G Franck, N Nigro, M Storti, J D'elia
Latin American applied research 39 (4), 295-306, 2009
Strong coupling strategy for fluid–structure interaction problems in supersonic regime via fixed point iteration
MA Storti, NM Nigro, RR Paz, LD Dalcín
Journal of Sound and Vibration 320 (4-5), 859-877, 2009
Optimal design of cams
A Cardona, E Lens, N Nigro
Multibody System Dynamics 7, 285-305, 2002
PETSc-FEM, A General Purpose, Parallel, Multi-Physics FEM Program
M Storti, N Nigro, R Paz, L Dalcin, E Lopez
International Center of Computational Method in Engineering(CIMEC …, 2007
Drag and non-drag force influences in numerical simulations of metallurgical ladles
CG Méndez, N Nigro, A Cardona
Journal of materials processing technology 160 (3), 296-305, 2005
A minimal element distortion strategy for computational mesh dynamics
EJ López, NM Nigro, MA Storti, JA Toth
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 69 (9), 1898-1929, 2007
Physics based GMRES preconditioner for compressible and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
N Nigro, M Storti, S Idelsohn, T Tezduyar
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 154 (3-4), 203-228, 1998
On the analysis of heterogeneous fluids with jumps in the viscosity using a discontinuous pressure field
SR Idelsohn, M Mier-Torrecilla, N Nigro, E Oñate
Computational Mechanics 46, 115-124, 2010
Dynamic boundary conditions in computational fluid dynamics
MA Storti, NM Nigro, RR Paz, LD Dalcín
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197 (13-16), 1219-1232, 2008
Validation of a 0D/1D computational code for the design of several kind of internal combustion engines
EJ López, NM Nigro
Latin American applied research 40 (2), 175-184, 2010
Visco-plastic constitutive models of steel at high temperature
AE Huespe, A Cardona, N Nigro, V Fachinotti
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (1-3), 143-152, 2000
Simultaneous untangling and smoothing of moving grids
EJ López, NM Nigro, MA Storti
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 76 (7), 994-1019, 2008
Phasewise numerical integration of finite element method applied to solidification processes
N Nigro, A Huespe, V Fachinotti
International journal of heat and mass transfer 43 (7), 1053-1066, 2000
Numerical simulation of natural convection phenomena
SF Corzo, SM Damián, D Ramajo, NM Nigro
Mecánica Computacional 30 (4), 277-296, 2011
論文 1–20