Simon de Givry
Simon de Givry
INRAE MIAT, University of Toulouse, France
確認したメール アドレス: inrae.fr - ホームページ
Carhta Gene: multipopulation integrated genetic and radiation hybrid mapping
S De Givry, M Bouchez, P Chabrier, D Milan, T Schiex
Bioinformatics 21 (8), 1703-1704, 2005
Radio link frequency assignment
B Cabon, S De Givry, L Lobjois, T Schiex, JP Warners
Constraints 4, 79-89, 1999
Existential arc consistency: Getting closer to full arc consistency in weighted CSPs
S De Givry, F Heras, M Zytnicki, J Larrosa
IJCAI 5, 84-89, 2005
Soft arc consistency revisited
MC Cooper, S De Givry, M Sánchez, T Schiex, M Zytnicki, T Werner
Artificial Intelligence 174 (7-8), 449-478, 2010
A logical approach to efficient Max-SAT solving
J Larrosa, F Heras, S De Givry
Artificial Intelligence 172 (2-3), 204-233, 2008
Gene regulatory network reconstruction using Bayesian networks, the Dantzig Selector, the Lasso and their meta-analysis
M Vignes, J Vandel, D Allouche, N Ramadan-Alban, C Cierco-Ayrolles, ...
PloS one 6 (12), e29165, 2011
Solving Max-SAT as weighted CSP
S De Givry, J Larrosa, P Meseguer, T Schiex
International conference on principles and practice of constraint …, 2003
Exploiting tree decomposition and soft local consistency in weighted CSP
S De Givry, T Schiex, G Verfaillie
AAAI 6, 1-6, 2006
Optimal Soft Arc Consistency.
MC Cooper, S De Givry, T Schiex
IJCAI 7, 68-73, 2007
Computational protein design as an optimization problem
D Allouche, I André, S Barbe, J Davies, S de Givry, G Katsirelos, ...
Artificial Intelligence 212, 59-79, 2014
Virtual Arc Consistency for Weighted CSP.
MC Cooper, S De Givry, M Sánchez-Fibla, T Schiex, M Zytnicki
AAAI, 253-258, 2008
Multi-language evaluation of exact solvers in graphical model discrete optimization
B Hurley, B O’sullivan, D Allouche, G Katsirelos, T Schiex, M Zytnicki, ...
Constraints 21, 413-434, 2016
A new framework for computational protein design through cost function network optimization
S Traoré, D Allouche, I André, S De Givry, G Katsirelos, T Schiex, S Barbe
Bioinformatics 29 (17), 2129-2136, 2013
Mendelian error detection in complex pedigrees using weighted constraint satisfaction techniques
M Sanchez, S de Givry, T Schiex
Constraints 13 (1), 130-154, 2008
Guaranteed discrete energy optimization on large protein design problems
D Simoncini, D Allouche, S De Givry, C Delmas, S Barbe, T Schiex
Journal of chemical theory and computation 11 (12), 5980-5989, 2015
Anytime hybrid best-first search with tree decomposition for weighted CSP
D Allouche, S De Givry, G Katsirelos, T Schiex, M Zytnicki
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2015
Bounding the optimum of constraint optimization problems
S De Givry, G Verfaillie, T Schiex
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP97: Third International …, 1997
Russian doll search with tree decomposition
M Sanchez, D Allouche, S De Givry, T Schiex
Proc. IJCAI 9, 603-608, 2009
Searching RNA motifs and their intermolecular contacts with constraint networks
P Thebault, S De Givry, T Schiex, C Gaspin
Bioinformatics 22 (17), 2074-2080, 2006
2006 and 2007 Max-SAT evaluations: Contributed instances
F Heras, J Larrosa, S De Givry, T Schiex
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modelling and Computation 4 (2-4), 239-250, 2008
論文 1–20