Yunxi Liu
Yunxi Liu
Department of Computer Science, Rice University
確認したメール アドレス: rice.edu
SARS-CoV-2 genomic diversity and the implications for qRT-PCR diagnostics and transmission
N Sapoval, M Mahmoud, MD Jochum, Y Liu, RAL Elworth, Q Wang, ...
Genome research 31 (4), 635-644, 2021
Th1 and Th2 cytokine profiles induced by hepatitis C virus F protein in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from chronic hepatitis C patients
M Yue, X Deng, X Zhai, K Xu, J Kong, J Zhang, Z Zhou, X Yu, X Xu, Y Liu, ...
Immunology Letters 152 (2), 89-95, 2013
Rescuing low frequency variants within intra-host viral populations directly from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data
Y Liu, J Kearney, M Mahmoud, B Kille, FJ Sedlazeck, TJ Treangen
Nature communications 13 (1), 1321, 2022
Enabling accurate and early detection of recently emerged SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in wastewater
N Sapoval, Y Liu, EG Lou, L Hopkins, KB Ensor, R Schneider, LB Stadler, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2834, 2023
De novo identification of microbial contaminants in low microbial biomass microbiomes with Squeegee
Y Liu, RAL Elworth, MD Jochum, KM Aagaard, TJ Treangen
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6799, 2022
Accelerating SARS-CoV-2 low frequency variant calling on ultra deep sequencing datasets
B Kille, Y Liu, N Sapoval, M Nute, L Rauchwerger, N Amato, TJ Treangen
2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2021
An international virtual hackathon to build tools for the analysis of structural variants within species ranging from coronaviruses to vertebrates
AM Mc Cartney, M Mahmoud, M Jochum, DP Agustinho, B Zorman, ...
F1000Research 10, 246, 2021
Crykey: rapid identification of SARS-CoV-2 cryptic mutations in wastewater
Y Liu, N Sapoval, P Gallego-García, L Tomás, D Posada, TJ Treangen, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 4545, 2024
Intrahost-diversity of influenza A virus in upper and lower respiratory tract derived samples from a college community
N Sapoval, PJB de Mesquita, Y Liu, R Wang, TR Liu, J Garza, T Williams, ...
medRxiv, 2021.10. 27.21265424, 2021
Squeegee: de-novo identification of reagent and laboratory induced microbial contaminants in low biomass microbiomes
Y Liu, RAL Elworth, MD Jochum, KM Aagaard, TJ Treangen
bioRxiv, 2021.05. 06.442815, 2021
SeqScreen-Nano: a computational platform for rapid, in-field characterization of previously unseen pathogens
A Balaji, Y Liu, MG Nute, B Hu, A Kappell, DS LeSassier, GD Godbold, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.02. 10.528096, 2023
論文 1–11