Galina Kapanen
Galina Kapanen
Researcher, Institute of Ecology, Tallinn University
確認したメール アドレス: tlu.ee
Phosphorus fractionation in lake sediments.
G Kapanen
Estonian Journal of Ecology 57 (4), 2008
Changes in the water level of Lake Peipsi and their reflection in a sediment core
JM Punning, G Kapanen, M Kangur, T Hang, N Davydova
European Large Lakes Ecosystem changes and their ecological and …, 2008
A new approach to inventorying bodies of water, from local to global scale
P Bartout, L Touchart, J Terasmaa, Q Choffel, A Marzecova, T Koff, ...
DIE ERDE–Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 146 (4), 245-258, 2015
Phosphorus flux in Lake Peipsi sensu stricto, Eastern Europe.
JM Punning, G Kapanen
Estonian Journal of Ecology 58 (1), 2009
Historical changes in the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lake Peipsi sediments
JM Punning, J Terasmaa, T Vaasma, G Kapanen
Environmental monitoring and assessment 144, 131-141, 2008
Phosphorus in the bottom sediments of the large shallow Lake Peipsi: environmental factors and anthropogenic impact on the lake ecosystem
G Kapanen
Tallinn University, 2012
Pool of mobile and immobile phosphorus in sediments of the large, shallow Lake Peipsi over the last 100 years
G Kapanen
Environmental monitoring and assessment 184, 6749-6763, 2012
A quantitative assessment of the contribution of small standing water bodies to the European waterscapes–case of Estonia and France
J Terasmaa, P Bartout, A Marzecova, L Touchart, E Vandel, T Koff, ...
Heliyon 5 (9), 2019
European perspectives on regional estimates of standing water bodies and the relevance of man-made ponds
J Terasmaa, P Bartout, A Marzecova, L Touchart, T Koff, Q Choffel, ...
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, 2015
Deposition fluxes of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the bottom sediments of Lake Pihkva
G Kapanen, J Terasmaa, T Vaasma, A Raukas
Oil Shale 30 (4), 550, 2013
Estonian Fluvial water bodies and inundation directive
E Lode, H Tõnisson, M Vainu, G Kapanen, R Rivis, M Muru
Water Resources Quality and Management in Baltic Sea Countries, 231-252, 2020
Lake Peipsi as a biggest transboundary lake in Europe
G Kapanen
Dynamiques environnementales. Journal international de géosciences et de l …, 2018
Le risque de dégradation de la qualité de l'eau des lacs de la réserve naturelle de Kurtna (Estonie): le cas de la température et de l'oxygène dissous
L Touchart, C Millot, V Maleval, T Koff, G Kapanen, J Terasmaa, E Vandel, ...
Riscuri si Catastrofe 13 (XII), 49-62, 2013
Mud matters: exploring the quality and composition of Estonia's curative mud deposits
G Kapanen, T Vaasma, E Vandel, J Terasmaa
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 46 (11), 466, 2024
Le lac Peïpous en tant que plus grand lac transfrontalier d’Europe
G Kapanen
Dynamiques environnementales. Journal international de géosciences et de l …, 2018
Eesti ravimuda seisund ja koostis
J Terasmaa, G Kapanen, A Marzecova, S Rautam
Terviseedenduse ja Rehabilitatsiooni Kompententsikeskuse Ravimuda Valdkonna …, 2015
To what extent is the geochemistry of curative mud in Estonia satisfactory?
G Kapanen, J Terasmaa
Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, 2023
Balneology in Estonia: importance of the geochemical backgound information of the Estonian curative mud
G Kapanen, J Terasmaa
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8165, 2020
Estonian Wetlands and the Water Framework Directive
E Lode, M Vainu, M Ilomets, L Truus, R Pajula, U Ratas, R Rivis, ...
Water Resources Quality and Management in Baltic Sea Countries, 299-321, 2020
The chemical properties of pond sediments and the operations of river restoration
C Simon, S Cailliez, F Donati, L Touchart, P Bartout, G Kapanen
Air and water components of the environment. Proceedings Conference …, 2019
論文 1–20