Shiyan Jiang
Assessing elementary students’ computational thinking in everyday reasoning and robotics programming
G Chen, J Shen, L Barth-Cohen, S Jiang, X Huang, M Eltoukhy
Computers & education 109, 162-175, 2017
Effects of group awareness tools on students' engagement, performance, and perceptions in online collaborative writing: Intergroup information matters
Y Peng, Y Li, Y Su, K Chen, S Jiang
The Internet and Higher Education 53, 100845, 2022
Designing discipline-specific roles for interdisciplinary learning: two comparative cases in an afterschool STEM+ L programme
S Jiang, J Shen, BE Smith
International Journal of Science Education 41 (6), 803-826, 2019
Data science education across the disciplines: Underexamined opportunities for K‐12 innovation
S Jiang, VR Lee, JM Rosenberg
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (5), 1073-1079, 2022
An empirical analysis of high school students' practices of modelling with unstructured data
S Jiang, A Nocera, C Tatar, MM Yoder, J Chao, K Wiedemann, W Finzer, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (5), 1114-1133, 2022
Data literacies and social justice: Exploring critical data literacies through sociocultural perspectives
GA Irgens, K Simon, A Wise, T Philip, MC Olivares, S Van Wart, S Vakil, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2020
Connecting computational thinking in everyday reasoning and programming for elementary school students
J Shen, G Chen, L Barth-Cohen, S Jiang, M Eltoukhy
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 54 (2), 205-225, 2022
What would the matrix do?: A systematic review of K-12 AI learning contexts and learner-interface interactions
RL Moore, S Jiang, B Abramowitz
Journal of research on Technology in educaTion 55 (1), 7-20, 2023
Augmented Reality in science laboratories: Investigating high school students’ navigation patterns and their effects on learning performance
S Jiang, C Tatar, X Huang, SH Sung, C Xie
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 07356331211038764, 2021
Science identity development: how multimodal composition mediates student role-taking as scientist in a media-rich learning environment
S Jiang, J Shen, BE Smith, KW Kibler
Educational Technology Research and Development 68 (6), 3187-3212, 2020
Data wrangling practices and collaborative interactions with aggregated data
S Jiang, J Kahn
International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning 15 (3 …, 2020
Learning with large, complex data and visualizations: youth data wrangling in modeling family migration
J Kahn, S Jiang
Learning, Media and Technology 46 (2), 128-143, 2021
Towards an AI-Infused Interdisciplinary curriculum for middle-grade classrooms
B Akram, S Yoder, C Tatar, S Boorugu, I Aderemi, S Jiang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (11), 12681 …, 2022
Examining how different modes mediate adolescents’ interactions during their collaborative multimodal composing processes
S Jiang, BE Smith, J Shen
Interactive Learning Environments 29 (5), 807-820, 2021
New voices: The science of storytelling: Middle schoolers engaging with socioscientific issues through multimodal science fictions
BE Smith, J Shen, S Jiang
Voices from the Middle 26 (What’s Next in Teaching Writing?), 50-55, 2019
Examining computational thinking processes in modeling unstructured data
S Jiang, Y Qian, H Tang, R Yalcinkaya, CP Rosé, J Chao, W Finzer
Education and Information Technologies 28 (4), 4309-4333, 2023
Interpreting and navigating multiple representations for computational thinking in a robotics programming environment
LA Barth-Cohen, S Jiang, J Shen, G Chen, M Eltoukhy
Journal for STEM Education Research 1, 119-147, 2018
Augmented scientific investigation: support the exploration of invisible" fine details" in science via augmented reality
S Jiang, X Huang, C Xie, S Sung, R Yalcinkaya
Proceedings of the interaction design and children conference, 349-354, 2020
Comparing the effects of dynamic computer visualization on undergraduate students’ understanding of osmosis with randomized posttest-only control group design
SHH Sung, J Shen, S Jiang, G Chen
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 12, 1-21, 2017
Notice, wonder, feel, act, and reimagine as a path toward social justice in data science education
JB Kahn, LM Peralta, LH Rubel, VY Lim, S Jiang, B Herbel-Eisenmann
Educational technology & society 25 (4), 80-92, 2022
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