Joash Mageto
Big data analytics in sustainable supply chain management: A focus on manufacturing supply chains
J Mageto
Sustainability 13 (13), 7101, 2021
Assessment of the relationship between ISO 9001 certification and performance of manufacturing firms in Nairobi
DMO Anyango, K Wanjau, JN Mageto
African Journal of Business and Management 1 (2), 2012
Skills frameworks: a focus on supply chains
J Mageto, R Luke
Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 14 (1), 1-17, 2020
Current and future trends of information technology and sustainability in logistics outsourcing
J Mageto
Sustainability 14 (13), 7641, 2022
Investigating predictors of academic plagiarism among university students
SG Nabee, J Mageto, N Pisa
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 19 (12 …, 2020
Logistics outsourcing and performance of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises in Nairobi
J Mageto, G Prinsloo, R Luke
The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business …, 2018
Building resilience into smart mobility for urban cities: an emerging economy perspective
J Mageto, H Twinomurinzi, R Luke, S Mhlongo, K Bwalya, S Bvuma
International Journal of Production Research 62 (15), 5556-5573, 2024
Smart mobility in urban areas: a bibliometric review and research agenda
D Mitieka, R Luke, H Twinomurinzi, J Mageto
Sustainability 15 (8), 6754, 2023
Effect of internet of things on road freight industry
N Farquharson, J Mageto, H Makan
Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 15, 11, 2021
Determinants of logistics outsourcing performance among small and medium enterprises
J Mageto, G Prinsloo, R Luke
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 35 (4), 541-565, 2020
The impact of strategic thinking on organisational performance: a case study of uchumi supermarket limited
G Juma, D Minja, J Mageto
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 1 (1), 75-94, 2016
The extent of logistics outsourcing among small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in Nairobi
J Mageto, G Prinsloo, R Luke
Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 12 (1), 1-9, 2018
Adopting technological innovations in the air cargo logistics industry in South Africa
AJ Adenigbo, J Mageto, R Luke
Logistics 7 (4), 84, 2023
Effect of shipping trade on economic growth in Nigeria: the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) approach
AJ Adenigbo, J Mageto, R Luke
Journal of Shipping and Trade 8 (1), 15, 2023
Investigating the quality of university education: A focus on supply chain management
J Mageto, R Luke, G Heyns
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 19 (8 …, 2020
Relationship between Supply Chain Performance and Supply Chain Responsiveness: A Case of Supermarkets in Nairobi, Kenya
JN Mageto
Unpublished MBA Thesis, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya 58, 2009
Macroeconomic Determinants of Air Cargo Flows in Ghana
AJ Adenigbo, J Mageto, R Luke
Latin American Journal of Trade Policy 5 (12), 7-36, 2022
Impact of China's belt and road initiative on logistics management in Africa: a bibliometric analysis
R Luke, J Mageto
Journal of International Logistics and Trade 21 (4), 204-219, 2023
Logistics outsourcing and performance of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises in Nairobi
J Mageto, G Prinsloo, R Luke
Pharos Journal of Theology 103, 1-11, 2022
Service quality of e-hailing taxi services in Johannesburg
AJ Adenigbo, J Mageto, H Makan, R Luke
Acta Logistica 10 (4), 537-548, 2023
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