Yuichi Ambe
Yuichi Ambe
確認したメール アドレス: osaka-u.ac.jp - ホームページ
Adaptive control strategies for interlimb coordination in legged robots: a review
S Aoi, P Manoonpong, Y Ambe, F Matsuno, F Wörgötter
Frontiers in neurorobotics 11, 39, 2017
Aerial hose type robot by water jet for fire fighting
H Ando, Y Ambe, A Ishii, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, S Maruyama, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (2), 1128-1135, 2018
Development of a continuum robot enhanced with distributed sensors for search and rescue
Y Yamauchi, Y Ambe, H Nagano, M Konyo, Y Bando, E Ito, S Arnold, ...
Robomech Journal 9 (1), 8, 2022
A mechanical approach to suppress the oscillation of a long continuum robot flying with water jets
T Yamaguchi, Y Ambe, H Ando, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, S Maruyama, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (4), 4346-4353, 2019
Simple analytical model reveals the functional role of embodied sensorimotor interaction in hexapod gaits
Y Ambe, S Aoi, T Nachstedt, P Manoonpong, F Wörgötter, F Matsuno
PloS one 13 (2), e0192469, 2018
Design and development of biaxial active nozzle with flexible flow channel for air floating active scope camera
A Ishii, Y Ambe, Y Yamauchi, H Ando, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, S Tadokoro
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Fire extinguishment using a 4 m long flying-hose-type robot with multiple water-jet nozzles
H Ando, Y Ambe, T Yamaguchi, Y Yamauchi, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, ...
Advanced Robotics 34 (11), 700-714, 2020
Stability analysis of a hexapod robot driven by distributed nonlinear oscillators with a phase modulation mechanism
Y Ambe, T Nachstedt, P Manoonpong, F Wörgötter, S Aoi, F Matsuno
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Quadrupedal bounding with spring-damper body joint
R Yamasaki, Y Ambe, S Aoi, F Matsuno
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Fire Fighting Tactics with Aerial Hose-type Robot “Dragon Firefighter”
H Ando, Y Ambe, T Yamaguchi, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, S Maruyama, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social …, 2019
Use of active scope camera in the Kumamoto Earthquake to investigate collapsed houses
Y Ambe, T Yamamoto, S Kojima, E Takane, K Tadakuma, M Konyo, ...
2016 IEEE International symposium on safety, security, and rescue robotics …, 2016
Passive orientation control of nozzle unit with multiple water jets to expand the net force direction range for aerial hose-type robots
Y Yamauchi, Y Ambe, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, S Tadokoro
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (3), 5634-5641, 2021
ImPACT-TRC thin serpentine robot platform for urban search and rescue
M Konyo, Y Ambe, H Nagano, Y Yamauchi, S Tadokoro, Y Bando, ...
Disaster Robotics: Results from the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge, 25-76, 2019
Stabilized controller for jet actuated cantilevered pipe using damping effect of an internal flowing fluid
Y Ambe, Y Yamauchi, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, S Tadokoro
IEEE Access 10, 5238-5249, 2022
A galloping quadruped model using left–right asymmetry in touchdown angles
M Tanase, Y Ambe, S Aoi, F Matsuno
Journal of biomechanics 48 (12), 3383-3389, 2015
Adaptive neural oscillators with synaptic plasticity for locomotion control of a snake-like robot with screw-drive mechanism
T Nachstedt, F Wörgötter, P Manoonpong, R Ariizumi, Y Ambe, F Matsuno
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3389-3395, 2013
Low latency and high quality two-stage human-voice-enhancement system for a hose-shaped rescue robot
Y Bando, H Saruwatari, N Ono, S Makino, K Itoyama, D Kitamura, ...
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 29 (1), 198-212, 2017
Generation of direct-, retrograde-, and source-wave gaits in multi-legged locomotion in a decentralized manner via embodied sensorimotor interaction
Y Ambe, S Aoi, K Tsuchiya, F Matsuno
Frontiers in neural circuits 15, 706064, 2021
A robotic thruster that can handle hairy flexible cable of serpentine robots for disaster inspection
Y Yamauchi, T Fujimoto, A Ishii, S Araki, Y Ambe, M Konyo, K Tadakuma, ...
2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics …, 2018
Development of a maneuverable flexible manipulator for minimally invasive surgery with varied stiffness
A Arora, Y Ambe, TH Kim, R Ariizumi, F Matsuno
Artificial Life and Robotics 19, 340-346, 2014
論文 1–20