Mae M. Noble
Mae M. Noble
Department of Climate Change, Water, Energy, the Environment and Water
確認したメール アドレス: dcceew.gov.au
Form and function of tropical macroalgal reefs in the Anthropocene
CJ Fulton, RA Abesamis, C Berkström, M Depczynski, NAJ Graham, ...
Functional Ecology 33 (6), 989-999, 2019
Sea temperature shapes seasonal fluctuations in seaweed biomass within the Ningaloo coral reef ecosystem
CJ Fulton, M Depczynski, TH Holmes, MM Noble, B Radford, T Wernberg, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 59 (1), 156-166, 2014
Culturally significant fisheries: keystones for management of freshwater social-ecological systems
M Noble, P Duncan, D Perry, K Prosper, D Rose, S Schnierer, G Tipa, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (2), 2016
Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes
CJ Fulton, C Berkström, SK Wilson, RA Abesamis, M Bradley, C Åkerlund, ...
Fish and Fisheries 21 (4), 700-717, 2020
Co-management of culturally important species: A tool to promote biodiversity conservation and human well-being
CT Freitas, PFM Lopes, JV Campos-Silva, MM Noble, R Dyball, CA Peres
People and Nature 2 (1), 61-81, 2020
Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors
B Helmuth, F Choi, A Matzelle, JL Torossian, SL Morello, KAS Mislan, ...
Scientific Data 3 (1), 1-11, 2016
Terrestrial ecologists ignore aquatic literature: asymmetry in citation breadth in ecological publications and implications for generality and progress in ecology
BA Menge, F Chan, S Dudas, D Eerkes-Medrano, K Grorud-Colvert, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 377 (2), 93-100, 2009
Seasonal changes in habitat structure underpin shifts in macroalgae-associated tropical fish communities
SK Wilson, CJ Fulton, M Depczynski, TH Holmes, MM Noble, B Radford, ...
Marine Biology 161, 2597-2607, 2014
Body fineness ratio as a predictor of maximum prolonged-swimming speed in coral reef fishes
JA Walker, ME Alfaro, MM Noble, CJ Fulton
PloS one 8 (10), e75422, 2013
Linking the social to the ecological using GIS methods in marine spatial planning and management to support resilience: a review
MM Noble, D Harasti, J Pittock, B Doran
Marine Policy 108, 103657, 2019
Potential impact of climate‐related changes is buffered by differential responses to recruitment and interactions
BA Menge, SD Hacker, T Freidenburg, J Lubchenco, R Craig, G Rilov, ...
Ecological Monographs 81 (3), 493-509, 2011
Climatic conditions and nursery habitat quality provide indicators of reef fish recruitment strength
SK Wilson, M Depczynski, TH Holmes, MM Noble, BT Radford, P Tinkler, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 62 (5), 1868-1880, 2017
Microhabitat selectivity underpins regional indicators of fish abundance and replenishment
C Fulton, M Noble, B Radford, C Gallen, D Harasti
Ecological Indicators 70, 222-231, 2016
Specialization within a shifting habitat mosaic underpins the seasonal abundance of a tropical fish
IE Lim, SK Wilson, TH Holmes, MM Noble, CJ Fulton
Ecosphere 7 (2), e01212, 2016
Understanding the spatial diversity of social uses, dynamics, and conflicts in marine spatial planning
MM Noble, D Harasti, J Pittock, B Doran
Journal of environmental management 246, 929-940, 2019
Identifying spatial conservation priorities using Traditional and Local Ecological Knowledge of iconic marine species and ecosystem threats
MM Noble, D Harasti, CJ Fulton, B Doran
Biological Conservation 249, 108709, 2020
Climatic forcing and larval dispersal capabilities shape the replenishment of fishes and their habitat‐forming biota on a tropical coral reef
SK Wilson, M Depcyznski, R Fisher, TH Holmes, MM Noble, BT Radford, ...
Ecology and evolution 8 (3), 1918-1928, 2018
Importance of soft canopy structure for labrid fish communities in estuarine mesohabitats
JR van Lier, D Harasti, R Laird, MM Noble, CJ Fulton
Marine biology 164, 1-11, 2017
Community change within a Caribbean coral reef marine protected area following two decades of local management
MM Noble, G van Laake, ML Berumen, CJ Fulton
PloS one 8 (1), e54069, 2013
Using GIS fuzzy-set modelling to integrate social-ecological data to support overall resilience in marine protected area spatial planning: A case study
MM Noble, D Harasti, J Pittock, B Doran
Ocean & coastal management 212, 105745, 2021
論文 1–20