Roberth Fagundes
Roberth Fagundes
Universidade Federal da Integração Luso-Afro-Brasileira
確認したメール アドレス: unilab.edu.br
Loss and gains in ant–plant interactions mediated by extrafloral nectar: fidelity, cheats, and lies
K Del-Claro, V Rico-Gray, HM Torezan-Silingardi, E Alves-Silva, ...
Insectes Sociaux 63, 207-221, 2016
Differences among ant species in plant protection are related to production of extrafloral nectar and degree of leaf herbivory
R Fagundes, W Dáttilo, SP Ribeiro, V Rico-Gray, P Jordano, K Del-Claro
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122 (1), 71-83, 2017
Individual-based ant-plant networks: diurnal-nocturnal structure and species-area relationship
W Dáttilo, R Fagundes, CAQ Gurka, MSA Silva, MCL Vieira, TJ Izzo, ...
PLoS One 9 (6), e99838, 2014
Secretory activity of extrafloral nectaries shaping multitrophic ant-plant-herbivore interactions in an arid environment
W Dáttilo, A Aguirre, RV Flores-Flores, R Fagundes, D Lange, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 114, 104-109, 2015
Extrafloral‐nectaries and interspecific aggressiveness regulate day/night turnover of ant species foraging for nectar on Bionia coriacea
DV Anjos, B Caserio, FT Rezende, SP Ribeiro, K Del‐Claro, R Fagundes
Austral Ecology 42 (3), 317-328, 2017
Availability of food and nesting-sites as regulatory mechanisms for the recovery of ant diversity after fire disturbance
RF Souza, DV Anjos, R Carvalho, K Del-Claro
Sociobiology 62 (1), 1-9, 2015
CHAGAS JUNIOR, AF; ALVES, A. Prospecção fitoquímica preliminar de plantas nativas do cerrado de uso popular medicinal pela comunidade rural do assentamento vale verde–Tocantins
NGF Bessa, JCM Borges, FP Beserra, RHA Carvalho, MAB Pereira, ...
Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais 15 (4), 692-707, 2013
Tending-ants increase survivorship and reproductive success of Calloconophora pugionata Drietch (Hemiptera, Membracidae), a trophobiont herbivore of Myrcia obovata O. Berg …
R Fagundes, SP Ribeiro, K Del-Claro
Sociobiology 60 (1), 11-19, 2013
Food source availability and interspecific dominance as structural mechanisms of ant-plant-hemipteran multitrophic networks
R Fagundes, W Dáttilo, SP Ribeiro, V Rico-Gray, K Del-Claro
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 10, 207-220, 2016
Trap-nesting hymenoptera and their network with parasites in recovered Riparian forests Brazil
GJ Araujo, R Fagundes, Y Antonini
Neotropical Entomology 47 (1), 26-36, 2018
Overlap in cave usage and period of activity as factors structuring the interactions between bats and ectoparasites
R Fagundes, Y Antonini, LMS Aguiar
Zoological Studies 56, e22, 2017
Size and condition of bamboo as structural factors behind the vertical stratification of the bamboo-nesting ant community
FV Arruda, MA Pesquero, DG Marcelino, GA Leite, JHC Delabie, ...
Insectes Sociaux 63, 99-107, 2016
Effects of the Trophobiont Herbivore Calloconophora pugionata (Hemiptera) on Ant Fauna Associated with Myrcia obovata (Myrtaceae) in a Montane Tropical Forest
R Fagundes, K Del-Claro, SP Ribeiro
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 2012 (1), 783945, 2012
ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America
RR Silva, F Martello, RM Feitosa, OGM Silva, LP do Prado, CRF Brandão, ...
Ecology 103 (2), e03580, 2022
Biotic defenses against herbivory
RF Moura, E Colberg, E Alves-Silva, I Mendes-Silva, R Fagundes, ...
Plant-Animal Interactions: Source of Biodiversity, 93-118, 2021
Limited effects of fire disturbances on the species diversity and structure of ant-plant interaction networks in Brazilian Cerrado
R Fagundes, D Lange, DV Anjos, FP de Lima, L Nahas, EJ Corro, ...
Acta Oecologica 93, 65-73, 2018
O bambu Merostachys fischeriana (Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) como habitat para formigas de Floresta Tropical Montana
R Fagundes, G Terra, SP Ribeiro, JD Majer
Neotropical Entomology 39, 906-911, 2010
Evidences that human disturbance simplify the ant fauna associated a Stachytarpheta glabra Cham. (Verbenaceae) compromising the …
BC Barbosa, R Fagundes, LF Silva, JFV Tofoli, AM Santos, BYP Imai, ...
Brazilian Journal of Biology 75 (1), 58-68, 2015
The bamboo Merostachys fischeriana (Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) as a canopy habitat for ants of neotropical montane forest
R Fagundes, G Terra, SP Ribeiro, JD Majer
Neotropical Entomology 39, 906-911, 2010
Similar topologies of individual‐based plant‐herbivorous networks in forest interior and anthropogenic edges
RL Carvalho, DV Anjos, R Fagundes, P Luna, SP Ribeiro
Austral Ecology 46 (3), 411-423, 2021
論文 1–20