Tino Endres
Tino Endres
University of Zürich, Educational Technlogy; University of Freiburg, Department of Psychology
確認したメール アドレス: ife.uzh.ch - ホームページ
Synthesizing cognitive load and self-regulation theory: a theoretical framework and research agenda
DB Anique, R Julian, C Shana, B Martine, EFG-MRE
Educational Psychology Review, 1-13, 2020
Mechanisms behind the testing effect: an empirical investigation of retrieval practice in meaningful learning
T Endres, A Renkl
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1054, 2015
Enhancing learning by retrieval: Enriching free recall with elaborative prompting
T Endres, S Carpenter, A Martin, A Renkl
Learning and Instruction 49, 13-20, 2017
Students’ use of retrieval in self-regulated learning: Implications for monitoring and regulating effortful learning experiences
SK Carpenter, T Endres, L Hui
Educational Psychology Review 32 (4), 1029-1054, 2020
Self-management as a bridge between cognitive load and self-regulated learning: The illustrative case of seductive details
A Eitel, T Endres, A Renkl
Educational Psychology Review 32 (4), 1073-1087, 2020
When and why does emotional design foster learning? Evidence for situational interest as a mediator of increased persistence
T Endres, S Weyreter, A Renkl, A Eitel
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 36 (4), 514-525, 2020
Improving lifelong learning by fostering students’ learning strategies at university
T Endres, J Leber, C Böttger, SFE Rovers, A Renkl
Psychology Learning & Teaching 20 (1), 144-160, 2021
It matters how to recall–task differences in retrieval practice
T Endres, L Kranzdorf, V Schneider, A Renkl
Instructional Science 48 (6), 699-728, 2020
Can prior knowledge increase task complexity?–Cases in which higher prior knowledge leads to higher intrinsic cognitive load
T Endres, O Lovell, D Morkunas, W Rieß, A Renkl
British Journal of Educational Psychology 93, 305-317, 2023
Combining retrieval practice and generative learning in educational contexts
J Roelle, J Schweppe, T Endres, A Lachner, C von Aufschnaiter, A Renkl, ...
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 2022
Happy together? On the relationship between research on retrieval practice and generative learning using the case of follow-up learning tasks
J Roelle, T Endres, R Abel, N Obergassel, M Nückles, A Renkl
Educational Psychology Review 35 (4), 102, 2023
How to promote lasting learning in schools
T Richter, R Berger, M Ebersbach, A Eitel, T Endres, RB Ferri, M Hänze, ...
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 2022
Specific questions during retrieval practice are better for texts containing seductive details
A Eitel, T Endres, A Renkl
Applied Cognitive Psychology 36 (5), 996-1008, 2022
Constructive retrieval: Benefits for learning, motivation, and metacognitive monitoring
T Endres, S Carpenter, A Renkl
Learning and Instruction 94, 101974, 2024
Immediate Learning Benefits of Retrieval Tasks
T Endres, V Kubik, K Koslowski, F Hahne, A Renkl
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 55 (2–3 …, 2023
Indirekte Effekte von Abrufübungen–Intuitiv und doch häufig unterschätzt
T Endres, A Renkl
Unterrichtswissenschaft 50 (1), 75-98, 2022
Engaging in Writing to Learn–Increasing the Motivation During a Long-Term Self-Regulated Learning Training
N Udvardi-Lakos, T Endres, I Glogger-Frey, A Renkl
Frontiers in Education 7, doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.1067347, 2022
Why narrative frames matter for instructional videos: A value-evoking narrative frame is essential to foster sustained learning with emotional design videos
T Endres, A Eitel, KA Renninger, C Vössing, A Renkl
Learning and Instruction 94, 101962, 2024
Motivation brought to the test: Successful retrieval practice is modulated by mastery goal orientation and external rewards
T Endres, A Eitel
Applied Cognitive Psychology 38 (1), e4160, 2024
Adaptive Blended Learning to Foster Self-Regulated Learning A Principle-Based Explanation of a Self-Regulated Learning Training
T Endres
C. E. Overson, C. M. Hakala, L. L. Kordonowy, & V. A. Benassi (Eds.).In …, 2023
論文 1–20