Fernando Aguado Agelet
Fernando Aguado Agelet
Full Professor at Vigo University, Adjunct Professor at NTNU, Member atlanTTic Research Center
確認したメール アドレス: tsc.uvigo.es
Efficient ray-tracing acceleration techniques for radio propagation modeling
FA Agelet, A Formella, JMH Rabanos, FI De Vicente, FP Fontan
IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology 49 (6), 2089-2104, 2000
Fast ray tracing for microcellular and indoor environments
FA Agelet, FP Fontan, A Formella
IEEE transactions on Magnetics 33 (2), 1484-1487, 1997
Wireless local danger warning: Cooperative foresighted driving using intervehicle communication
GK Mitropoulos, IS Karanasiou, A Hinsberger, F Aguado-Agelet, H Wieker, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (3), 539-553, 2009
Analysis of unicast routing protocols for VANETs
JA Ferreiro-Lage, CP Gestoso, O Rubiños, FA Agelet
2009 Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services, 518-521, 2009
On small satellites for oceanography: A survey
AGC Guerra, F Francisco, J Villate, FA Agelet, O Bertolami, K Rajan
Acta Astronautica 127, 404-423, 2016
Flight results: Reliability and lifetime of the polymeric 3D-printed antenna deployment mechanism installed on Xatcobeo & Humsat-D
JA Vilán Vilán, F Aguado Agelet, M Lopez Estevez, A González Muiño
Acta Astronautica 107, 290-300, 2015
Optimization methods for optimal transmitter locations in a mobile wireless system
F Aguado-Agelet, AMM Varela, LJ Alvarez-Vázquez, JM Hernando, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 51 (6), 1316-1321, 2002
Xatcobeo: Small Mechanisms for CubeSat Satellites-Antenna and Solar Array Deployment
JM EncinasPlaza, JA VilanVilan, F AquadoAgelet, ...
Proceedings of the 40th aerospace mechanisms symposium, 2010
Empirical propagation model for WiMAX at 3.5 GHz in an urban environment
Á Valcarce Rial, H Krauss, J Hauck, M Buchholz, F Aguado Agelet
Microwave and optical technology letters 50 (2), 483-487, 2008
DustCube, a nanosatellite mission to binary asteroid 65803 Didymos as part of the ESA AIM mission
F Perez, D Modenini, A Vázquez, F Aguado, R Tubío, G Dolgos, P Tortora, ...
Advances in Space Research 62 (12), 3335-3356, 2018
SpectroCube: a European 6U nanosatellite spectroscopy platform for astrobiology and astrochemistry
A Elsaesser, F Merenda, R Lindner, R Walker, S Buehler, G Boer, A Villa, ...
Acta astronautica 170, 275-288, 2020
Integrating small satellite communication in an autonomous vehicle network: A case for oceanography
AGC Guerra, AS Ferreira, M Costa, D Nodar-López, FA Agelet
Acta Astronautica 145, 229-237, 2018
Indoor and outdoor channel simulator based on ray tracing
F Aguado, FP Fontán, A Formella
1997 IEEE 47th Vehicular Technology Conference. Technology in Motion 3, 2065 …, 1997
Design of a polarization diversity system for ground stations of CubeSat space systems
AJ Vazquez-Alvarez, R Tubio-Pardavila, A Gonzalez-Muino, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 11, 917-920, 2012
RoboCrane: A system for providing a power and a communication link between lunar surface and lunar caves for exploring robots
PF Miaja, F Navarro-Medina, DG Aller, G León, A Camanzo, CM Suarez, ...
Acta Astronautica 192, 30-46, 2022
FIRE-RS: Integrating land sensors, cubesat communications, unmanned aerial vehicles and a situation assessment software for wildland fire characterization and mapping
F Pérez-Lissi, F Aguado-Agelet, A Vázquez, P Yañez, P Izquierdo, ...
69th International Astronautical Congress, 2018
Flight results: reliability and lifetime of the polymeric 3D-printed antenna deployment mechanism installed on Xatcobeo & Humsat-D
JAV Vilán, FA Agelet, ML Estévez, AG Muiño
Acta Astronautica 107, 290-300, 2015
CubeSats and Small Satellites.
J Straub, M Swartwout, M Nunes, V Lappas
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019
Analysis, realization, and measurement of broadband miniature antennas for digital TV receivers in handheld terminals
M Jose Roo Ons, J Hauck, M Buchholz, F Aguado‐Agelet
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 50 (2), 293-297, 2008
Cluster Ages to Reconstruct the Milky Way Assembly (CARMA)-I. The final word on the origin of NGC 6388 and NGC 6441
D Massari, F Aguado-Agelet, M Monelli, S Cassisi, E Pancino, S Saracino, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 680, A20, 2023
論文 1–20