Zainura Zainon Noor
Current developments in chemical recycling of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate wastes for new materials production: A review
AB Raheem, ZZ Noor, A Hassan, MK Abd Hamid, SA Samsudin, ...
Journal of cleaner production 225, 1052-1064, 2019
Green technology in wastewater treatment technologies: Integration of membrane bioreactor with various wastewater treatment systems
CH Neoh, ZZ Noor, NSA Mutamim, CK Lim
Chemical engineering journal 283, 582-594, 2016
Application of membrane bioreactor technology in treating high strength industrial wastewater: a performance review
NSA Mutamim, ZZ Noor, MAA Hassan, G Olsson
Desalination 305, 1-11, 2012
Membrane bioreactor: applications and limitations in treating high strength industrial wastewater
NSA Mutamim, ZZ Noor, MAA Hassan, A Yuniarto, G Olsson
Chemical Engineering Journal 225, 109-119, 2013
Methane emission by sectors: a comprehensive review of emission sources and mitigation methods
RO Yusuf, ZZ Noor, AH Abba, MAA Hassan, MFM Din
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (7), 5059-5070, 2012
An overview for energy recovery from municipal solid wastes (MSW) in Malaysia scenario
ZZ Noor, RO Yusuf, AH Abba, MAA Hassan, MFM Din
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 20, 378-384, 2013
Coagulation and flocculation treatment of wastewater in textile industry using chitosan
MAA Hassan, TP Li, ZZ Noor
Journal of chemical and natural Resources Engineering 4 (1), 43-53, 2009
Review on life cycle assessment of integrated solid waste management in some Asian countries
SN Othman, ZZ Noor, AH Abba, RO Yusuf, MAA Hassan
Journal of Cleaner Production 41, 251-262, 2013
The profiles of household solid waste recyclers and non-recyclers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
IS Zen, ZZ Noor, RO Yusuf
Habitat International 42, 83-89, 2014
Assessment of embodied energy and global warming potential of building construction using life cycle analysis approach: Case studies of residential buildings in Iskandar Malaysia
TJ Wen, HC Siong, ZZ Noor
Energy and Buildings 93, 295-302, 2015
Review of urban sustainability indicators assessment–Case study between Asian countries
FL Michael, ZZ Noor, MJ Figueroa
Habitat International 44, 491-500, 2014
Energy consumption trends and their linkages with renewable energy policies in East and Southeast Asian countries: Challenges and opportunities
SR Sharvini, ZZ Noor, CS Chong, LC Stringer, RO Yusuf
Sustainable Environment Research 28 (6), 257-266, 2018
Effect of fluidising velocity on the combustion of rice husk in a bench-scale fluidised bed combustor for the production of amorphous rice husk ash
M Rozainee, SP Ngo, AA Salema, KG Tan, M Ariffin, ZN Zainura
Bioresource technology 99 (4), 703-713, 2008
Projection of CO2 emissions in Malaysia
NSM Safaai, ZZ Noor, H Hashim, Z Ujang, J Talib
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 30 (4), 658-665, 2011
Assessing environmental impacts of municipal solid waste of Johor by analytical hierarchy process
AH Abba, ZZ Noor, RO Yusuf, MFMD Din, MAA Hassan
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 73, 188-196, 2013
Quantification of environmental impacts of domestic wastewater treatment using life cycle assessment: a review
AH Sabeen, ZZ Noor, N Ngadi, S Almuraisy, AB Raheem
Journal of Cleaner Production 190, 221-233, 2018
Use of sewage sludge ash (SSA) in the production of cement and concrete–a review
RO Yusuf, ZZ Noor, MFM Din, AH Abba
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 12 (2-4), 214-228, 2012
Overview of urban heat island (uhi) phenomenon towards human thermal comfort.
YY Lee, MFM Din, M Ponraj, ZZ Noor, K Iwao, S Chelliapan
Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 16 (9), 2017
Bio-fouling reducers for improving the performance of an aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor treating palm oil mill effluent
A Yuniarto, ZZ Noor, Z Ujang, G Olsson, A Aris, T Hadibarata
Desalination 316, 146-153, 2013
Biodecolorization of recalcitrant dye as the sole sourceof nutrition using Curvularia clavata NZ2 and decolorization ability of its crude enzymes
CH Neoh, CY Lam, CK Lim, A Yahya, HH Bay, Z Ibrahim, ZZ Noor
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 11669-11678, 2015
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