オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Christian Frese詳細
一般には非公開: 4 件
Algorithm toolbox for autonomous mobile robotic systems
T Emter, C Frese, A Zube, J Petereit
ATZoffhighway worldwide 10 (3), 48-53, 2017
委任: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Bildung kooperativer Gruppen kognitiver Automobile: Automatische Parameteroptimierung für einen verteilten Algorithmus zur dynamischen Gruppenbildung
C Frese, J Beyerer
Autonome Mobile Systeme 2007: 20. Fachgespräch Kaiserslautern, 18./19 …, 2007
委任: German Research Foundation
Collision avoidance by cooperative driving maneuvers
C Frese, J Beyerer
ATZelektronik worldwide eMagazine 6 (5), 48-52, 2011
委任: German Research Foundation
Extending Reward-based Hierarchical Task Network Planning to Partially Observable Environments
T Mannucci, R Zimmermann, C Frese
2024 10th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications …, 2024
委任: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
一般公開: 8 件
Team AnnieWAY's autonomous system for the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge
S Kammel, J Ziegler, B Pitzer, M Werling, T Gindele, D Jagzent, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 25 (9), 615-639, 2008
委任: German Research Foundation
A comparison of motion planning algorithms for cooperative collision avoidance of multiple cognitive automobiles
C Frese, J Beyerer
2011 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 1156-1162, 2011
委任: German Research Foundation
Cooperation of cars and formation of cooperative groups
C Frese, J Beyerer, P Zimmer
2007 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 227-232, 2007
委任: German Research Foundation
Planning cooperative motions of cognitive automobiles using tree search algorithms
C Frese, J Beyerer
Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 91-98, 2010
委任: German Research Foundation
Life cycle management for cooperative groups of cognitive automobiles in a distributed environment
C Frese, T Batz, M Wieser, J Beyerer
2008 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 1125-1130, 2008
委任: German Research Foundation
Kooperative Verhaltensentscheidung für Gruppen kognitiver Automobile auf Grundlage des gemeinsamen Lagebilds Cooperative Behavior of Groups of Cognitive Automobiles based on a …
C Frese, T Batz, J Beyerer
at-Automatisierungstechnik 56 (12), 644-652, 2008
委任: German Research Foundation
Kooperative Bewegungsplanung zur Unfallvermeidung im Straßenverkehr mit der Methode der elastischen Bänder
C Frese, T Batz, J Beyerer
Autonome Mobile Systeme 2009: 21. Fachgespräch Karlsruhe, 3./4. Dezember …, 2009
委任: German Research Foundation
An autonomous crawler excavator for hazardous environments: Ein autonomer Raupenbagger für menschenfeindliche Umgebungen
C Frese, A Zube, P Woock, T Emter, NF Heide, A Albrecht, J Petereit
at-Automatisierungstechnik 70 (10), 859-876, 2022
委任: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
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