Daniel Novak
ITAREPS: information technology aided relapse prevention programme in schizophrenia
F Španiel, P Vohlídka, J Hrdlička, J Kožený, T Novák, L Motlová, ...
Schizophrenia research 98 (1-3), 312-317, 2008
Diaphragm postural function analysis using magnetic resonance imaging
P Vostatek, D Novak, T Rychnovský, Š Rychnovská
PloS one 8 (3), e56724, 2013
Perioperative tight glucose control reduces postoperative adverse events in nondiabetic cardiac surgery patients
J Bláha, M Mráz, P Kopecký, M Stříteský, M Lipš, M Matias, J Kunstýř, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 100 (8), 3081-3089, 2015
Performance comparison of extracellular spike sorting algorithms for single-channel recordings
J Wild, Z Prekopcsak, T Sieger, D Novak, R Jech
Journal of neuroscience methods 203 (2), 369-376, 2012
Distinct populations of neurons respond to emotional valence and arousal in the human subthalamic nucleus
T Sieger, T Serranová, F Růžička, P Vostatek, J Wild, D Šťastná, C Bonnet, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (10), 3116-3121, 2015
Airflow limitation is accompanied by diaphragm dysfunction.
L Hellebrandová, J Chlumský, P Vostatek, D Novák, Z Rýznarová, V Bunc
Physiological research 65 (3), 2016
Dynamic approximate entropy electroanatomic maps detect rotors in a simulated atrial fibrillation model
JP Ugarte, A Orozco-Duque, C Tobón, V Kremen, D Novak, J Saiz, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e114577, 2014
Endocrine effects of duodenal–jejunal exclusion in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
P Kaválková, M Mráz, P Trachta, J Kloučková, A Cinkajzlová, Z Lacinová, ...
J Endocrinol 231 (1), 11-22, 2016
Low-cost motivated rehabilitation system for post-operation exercises
J Brutovsky, D Novak
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
Metabolomic profiling of urinary changes in mice with monosodium glutamate-induced obesity
H Pelantová, S Bártová, J Anýž, M Holubová, B Železná, L Maletínská, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 408 (2), 567-578, 2016
Classification of actigraphy records from bipolar disorder patients using slope entropy: A feasibility study
D Cuesta-Frau, J Schneider, E Bakštein, P Vostatek, F Spaniel, D Novák
Entropy 22 (11), 1243, 2020
Multifractal analysis for grading complex fractionated electrograms in atrial fibrillation
A Orozco-Duque, D Novak, V Kremen, J Bustamante
Physiological measurement 36 (11), 2269, 2015
Denoising electrocardiogram signal using adaptive wavelets
D Novak, DC Frau, V Eck, JC Pérez-Cortés, G Andreu-García
Energy 200, 250, 2000
Long short-term memory for apnea detection based on heart rate variability
D Novak, K Mucha, T Al-Ani
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
Speech recognition methods applied to biomedical signals processing
D Novak, D Cuesta-Frau, M Aboy, R Mico, L Lhotska
The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine …, 2004
Electrocardiogram baseline removal using Wavelet approximations
D Cuesta Frau, D Novák, V Eck, JC Pérez Cortés, G Andreu García
Proceeding of the 15th Biennial Eurasip Conference BIOSIGNAL, 136-138, 2000
The influence of deep hypothermia on inflammatory status, tissue hypoxia and endocrine function of adipose tissue during cardiac surgery
J Drapalova, P Kopecky, M Bartlova, Z Lacinova, D Novak, P Maruna, ...
Cryobiology 68 (2), 269-275, 2014
Feature extraction methods applied to the clustering of electrocardiographic signals. a comparative study
D Cuesta-Frau, JC Perez-Cortes, G Andreu-García, D Novák
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 3, 961-964, 2002
Handbook of research on holistic perspectives in gamification for clinical practice
D Novák
IGI global, 2015
Methods for automatic detection of artifacts in microelectrode recordings
E Bakštein, T Sieger, J Wild, D Novak, J Schneider, P Vostatek, D Urgošík, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 290, 39-51, 2017
論文 1–20