Thomas R. Bieler
Overview of constitutive laws, kinematics, homogenization and multiscale methods in crystal plasticity finite-element modeling: Theory, experiments, applications
F Roters, P Eisenlohr, L Hantcherli, DD Tjahjanto, TR Bieler, D Raabe
Acta materialia 58 (4), 1152-1211, 2010
The effect of alpha platelet thickness on plastic flow during hot working of TI–6Al–4V with a transformed microstructure
SL Semiatin, TR Bieler
Acta materialia 49 (17), 3565-3573, 2001
The role of heterogeneous deformation on damage nucleation at grain boundaries in single phase metals
TR Bieler, P Eisenlohr, F Roters, D Kumar, DE Mason, MA Crimp, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (9), 1655-1683, 2009
Influence of Sn grain size and orientation on the thermomechanical response and reliability of Pb-free solder joints
TR Bieler, H Jiang, LP Lehman, T Kirkpatrick, EJ Cotts, B Nandagopal
IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies 31 (2), 370-381, 2008
Crystal plasticity finite element methods: in materials science and engineering
F Roters, P Eisenlohr, TR Bieler, D Raabe
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Grain boundaries and interfaces in slip transfer
TR Bieler, P Eisenlohr, C Zhang, HJ Phukan, MA Crimp
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 18 (4), 212-226, 2014
Superplasticity in powder metallurgy aluminum alloys and composites
RS Mishra, TR Bieler, AK Mukherjee
Acta metallurgica et materialia 43 (3), 877-891, 1995
The origins of heterogeneous deformation during primary hot working of Ti–6Al–4V
TR Bieler, SL Semiatin
International Journal of Plasticity 18 (9), 1165-1189, 2002
Twin nucleation by slip transfer across grain boundaries in commercial purity titanium
L Wang, Y Yang, P Eisenlohr, TR Bieler, MA Crimp, DE Mason
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41 (2), 421-430, 2010
Characterization of the growth of intermetallic interfacial layers of Sn-Ag and Sn-Pb eutectic solders and their composite solders on Cu substrate during isothermal long-term aging
S Choi, TR Bieler, JP Lucas, KN Subramanian
Journal of Electronic Materials 28, 1209-1215, 1999
Effects of working, heat treatment, and aging on microstructural evolution and crystallographic texture of α, α′, α ″and β phases in Ti–6Al–4V wire
L Zeng, TR Bieler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 392 (1-2), 403-414, 2005
Methodology for estimating the critical resolved shear stress ratios of α-phase Ti using EBSD-based trace analysis
H Li, DE Mason, TR Bieler, CJ Boehlert, MA Crimp
Acta Materialia 61 (20), 7555-7567, 2013
Cyclic twin nucleation in tin-based solder alloys
LP Lehman, Y Xing, TR Bieler, EJ Cotts
Acta Materialia 58 (10), 3546-3556, 2010
Direct measurement of critical resolved shear stress of prismatic and basal slip in polycrystalline Ti using high energy X-ray diffraction microscopy
L Wang, Z Zheng, H Phukan, P Kenesei, JS Park, J Lind, RM Suter, ...
Acta Materialia 132, 598-610, 2017
Orientation informed nanoindentation of α-titanium: Indentation pileup in hexagonal metals deforming by prismatic slip
C Zambaldi, Y Yang, TR Bieler, D Raabe
Journal of Materials Research 27 (1), 356-367, 2012
Nucleation of paired twins at grain boundaries in titanium
L Wang, P Eisenlohr, Y Yang, TR Bieler, MA Crimp
Scripta Materialia 63 (8), 827-830, 2010
Effect of texture and slip mode on the anisotropy of plastic flow and flow softening during hot working of Ti-6Al-4V
SL Semiatin, TR Bieler
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 32, 1787-1799, 2001
Grain-boundary character and grain growth in bulk tin and bulk lead-free solder alloys
AU Telang, TR Bieler, JP Lucas, KN Subramanian, LP Lehman, Y Xing, ...
Journal of electronic materials 33, 1412-1423, 2004
Fundamentals of lead-free solder interconnect technology
TK Lee, TR Bieler, C Kim, H Ma
Springer (US) chapter 1, 1-20, 2015
Flow softening during hot working of Ti-6Al-4V with a lamellar colony microstructure
RM Miller, TR Bieler, SL Semiatin
Scripta materialia 40 (12), 1387-1393, 1999
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