オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Skip Garibaldi詳細
一般公開: 17 件
Shells of twisted flag varieties and the Rost invariant
S Garibaldi, V Petrov, N Semenov
委任: US National Science Foundation
Spinors and essential dimension
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick
Compositio Mathematica 153 (3), 535-556, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation
Degree 5 Invariant of E 8
S Garibaldi, N Semenov
International Mathematics Research Notices 2010 (19), 3746-3762, 2010
委任: German Research Foundation
Tits ‐indexes of semisimple algebraic groups
C De Clercq, S Garibaldi
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 95 (2), 567-585, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation
The van den Berg–Kesten–Reimer operator and inequality for infinite spaces
R Arratia, S Garibaldi, AW Hales
委任: US National Science Foundation
Outer automorphisms of algebraic groups and a Skolem-Noether theorem for Albert algebras
S Garibaldi, HP Petersson
Documenta Mathematica 21, 917-954, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
Asymptotic distribution for the birthday problem with multiple coincidences, via an embedding of the collision process
R Arratia, S Garibaldi, J Kilian
Random Structures & Algorithms 48 (3), 480-502, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
Bilinear and Quadratic Forms on Rational Modules of Split Reductive Groups
S Garibaldi, DK Nakano
Canadian J. Math. 68 (2), 395--421, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
Generically free representations II: irreducible representations
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick
Transformation Groups 25 (3), 793-817, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation
Globally irreducible Weyl modules
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick, DK Nakano
Journal of Algebra 477, 69-87, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation
Essential dimension of algebraic groups, including bad characteristic
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick
Archiv der Mathematik 107 (2), 101-119, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
Generic stabilizers for simple algebraic groups
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick
Michigan Mathematical Journal 72, 343-387, 2022
委任: US National Science Foundation
Generically free representations III: extremely bad characteristic
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick
Transformation Groups 25 (3), 819-841, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation
Generically free representations, I: Large representations
S Garibaldi, R Guralnick
Algebra & Number Theory 14 (6), 1577-1611, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation
Rost invariant of the center, revisited
R Garibaldi, A Merkurjev
Pacific Journal of Mathematics 291 (2), 369-397, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation
Globally irreducible weyl modules for quantum groups
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick, DK Nakano
PIMS Summer School and Workshop, 313-326, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
Generic stabilizers associated with a peculiar half-spin representation. Appendix to: SPINORS AND ESSENTIAL DIMENSION by S. Garibaldi and R. Guralnick
S Garibaldi, RM Guralnick, A Premet
Compositio Mathematica 153 (3), 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation
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