ashkan edrisian
ashkan edrisian
Lecturer, University of Applied Science and Technology · Electrical Engineering Iran
確認したメール アドレス: なし
Enhancing SCIG-based wind turbine generator performance through reactive power control
A Edrisian, A Goudarzi, IE Davidson, A Ahmadi, GK Venayagamoorthy
2015 Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC), 1-8, 2015
Assessing the effective parameters on operation improvement of SCIG based wind farms connected to network
A Edrisian, A Goudarzi, M Ebadian, AG Swanson, D Mahdiyan
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 6 (2), 585-592, 2016
The new hybrid model of compressed air for stable production of wind farms
A Edrisian, H Samani, A Sharifan, MR Naseh
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 3 (11 …, 2013
Investigating the effect of high level of wind penetration on voltage stability by quasi-static time-domain simulation (QSTDS)
A Edrisian, A Goudarzi, M Ebadian
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 (2), 355-362, 2014
Power quality improvement in distributed generation resources using UPQC
A Edrisian, FH Zadeh, MR Naseh
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 (3), 795-800, 2014
Investigating the effect of high level of wind penetration on voltage stability by quasi-static time-domain simulation (QSTDS)
M Ebadian, A Edrisian, A Goudarzi
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 (2), 2014
Impact of Reactive Power on Stable Production of Wind Farms
A Edrisian, M Hajian, M Kermani, M Ebadian
Majlesi Journal of Energy Management 4 (2), 2015
Forecasting the Loadability Margin of SCIG-based Wind Turbines in Power Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks
A Edrisian, A Goudarzi, AG Swanson, A Ahmadi
論文 1–8