Hildegardo Noronha
Hildegardo Noronha
Interactive Technologies Institute, Universidade da Madeira
確認したメール アドレス: staff.uma.pt
LoRaquatica: Studying range and location estimation using LoRa and IoT in aquatic sensing
M Radeta, M Ribeiro, D Vasconcelos, H Noronha, NJ Nunes
2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2020
Collaborative 3d visualization on large screen displays
D Mendes, M Sousa, B Araújo, A Ferreira, H Noronha, P Campos, ...
Powerwall-international workshop on interactive, ultra-high-resolution …, 2013
Designing a mobile collaborative system for navigating and reviewing oil industry cad models
H Noronha, P Campos, J Jorge, B Araújo, L Soares, A Raposo
Harnessing virtual reality nature to promote well-being
H Noronha, P Campos
Interacting with Computers 33 (4), 353-366, 2021
Work Analysis Methods in Practice: The Context of Collaborative Review of CAD Models
P Campos, H Noronha, A Lopes
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD) 5 …, 2013
On the usage of different work analysis methods for collaborative review of large scale 3D CAD models
P Campos, H Noronha
IFIP Working Conference on Human Work Interaction Design, 12-21, 2012
Comparing the levels of frustration between an eye-tracker and a mouse: a pilot study
H Noronha, R Sol, A Vourvopoulos
Human Factors in Computing and Informatics: First International Conference …, 2013
“I Miss Going to that Place”: The Impact of Watching Nature Videos on the Well-Being of Informal Caregivers
B Peres, H Noronha, DS Lopes, J Jorge, PF Campos
IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 23-32, 2023
Grupo de Astronomia da UMa
JLG Sobrinho, A Gonçalves, H Teixeira, I Andrade
Relatório de atividades: set, 2010
TRITON-Tracker for Real-time Telemetry
M Radeta, J Pestana, P Abreu, L Sousa, A Ramos, P Pinto, H Noronha, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2023
The Impact of Virtual Reality Nature Environments on Calmness, Arousal and Energy: a Multi-Method Study
H Noronha, P Campos
34th British HCI Conference, 36-47, 2021
A multimodal tablet-based interface for designing and reviewing 3D engineering models
P Campos, H Noronha
Proceedings of the 2014 international working conference on advanced visual …, 2014
FitFest: Designing a Narrative-driven Exergame to Engage Active Seniors in Physical Activity
E Freitas, H Noronha, C França, É Gouveia, P Bala, P Campos, ...
Proceedings of the 27th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 301-305, 2024
Don’t Forget to Take Some Time to Yourself: The Effect of Mobile Phone Reminders on Self-care Subdomains of Informal Caregivers
B Peres, H Noronha, P Campos
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2022
How much Sample Rate is actually needed? Arm Tracking in Virtual Reality
H Noronha, P Campos
34th British HCI Conference, 94-98, 2021
Harnessing virtuality in the real world: a transversal approach
HJQ Noronha
PQDT-Global, 2021
Resources Conflicts in Collaboration - From the physical world to the tablet world
H Noronha, P Campos
“Collaboration meets Interactive Surfaces”, ACM ITS Workshop, 2013
Grupo de Astronomia
PA Laurindo Sobrinho, A Gonçalves, F Góis, H Noronha, S Correia, ...
Hovercraft telemanipulation virtual models and interface design
HJQ Noronha
PQDT-Global, 2010
Assessing Physical Activity Levels While Playing Virtual Reality Exergames: A Pilot Study
M Teixeira, H Noronha, P Campos, C França
論文 1–20