Hyo Jung (Julie) Chang
Hyo Jung (Julie) Chang
Professor of Retail Management, Texas Tech University
確認したメール アドレス: ttu.edu
Application of the Stimulus-Organism-Response model to the retail environment: the role of hedonic motivation in impulse buying behavior
HJ Chang, M Eckman, RN Yan
The International review of retail, distribution and consumer research 21 (3 …, 2011
Moderating effects of situational characteristics on impulse buying
H Jung Chang, RN Yan, M Eckman
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 42 (4), 298-314, 2014
Who are sustainably minded apparel shoppers? An investigation to the influencing factors of sustainable apparel consumption
HJ Chang, K Watchravesringkan
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 46 (2), 148-162, 2018
The effects of celebrity-brand congruence and publicity on consumer attitudes and buying behavior
JHJ Min, HJJ Chang, TMC Jai, M Ziegler
Fashion and Textiles 6, 1-19, 2019
Is fast fashion sustainable? The effect of positioning strategies on consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions
HJJ Chang, TMC Jai
Social Responsibility Journal 11 (4), 853-867, 2015
Social media as a marketing tool for events
AA Harb, D Fowler, HJ Chang, SC Blum, W Alakaleek
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 10 (1), 28-44, 2019
A qualitative exploration of day spa therapists' work motivations and job satisfaction
C Suttikun, HJ Chang, H Bicksler
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 34, 1-10, 2018
Effects of store attributes on retail patronage behaviors: Evidence from activewear specialty stores
HJ Chang, HJ Cho, T Turner, M Gupta, K Watchravesringkan
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 19 (2), 136-153, 2015
Online consumer complaints about Southeast Asian luxury hotels
F Memarzadeh, HJ Chang
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 24 (1), 76-98, 2015
Exploration of factors influencing body image satisfaction and purchase intent: Millennial females
SE Rieke, DC Fowler, HJ Chang, N Velikova
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 20 (2), 208-229, 2016
Fast fashion business model: what, why and how?
B Jin, H Jung, DR Matthews, M Gupta
Fashion supply chain management: Industry and business analysis, 193-211, 2012
Consumers with disabilities: A qualitative exploration of clothing selection and use among female college students
HJ Chang, N Hodges, J Yurchisin
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 32 (1), 34-48, 2014
An fMRI study of advertising appeals and their relationship to product attractiveness and buying intentions
HJ Chang, M O'Boyle, RC Anderson, C Suttikun
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 15 (6), 538-548, 2016
The examination of psychological factors and social norms affecting body satisfaction and self‐esteem for college students
HJ Chang, C Suttikun
Family and consumer sciences research Journal 45 (4), 422-437, 2017
The importance of personal norms and situational expectancies to sustainable behaviors: The norm activation and situational expectancy-value theories
SHN Lee, HJJ Chang, L Zhao
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 73, 103371, 2023
Mask‐wearing behavior during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐cultural comparison between the United States and South Korea
HJ Chang, S Min, H Woo, J Yurchisin
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 50 (1), 5-26, 2021
SmartFit: Smartphone application for garment fit detection
KH Foysal, HJ Chang, F Bruess, JW Chong
Electronics 10 (1), 97, 2021
An investigation of self‐concept, clothing selection motivation, and life satisfaction among disabled consumers
HJ Chang, J Yurchisin, N Hodges, K Watchravesringkan, T Ackerman
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 42 (2), 162-176, 2013
Effective sustainability messages triggering consumer emotion and action: An application of the social cognitive theory and the dual-process model
MAN Rakib, HJ Chang, RP Jones
Sustainability 14 (5), 2505, 2022
Mechanism of retail therapy during stressful life events: The psychological compensation of revenge consumption toward luxury brands
S Kim, HJJ Chang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 75, 103508, 2023
論文 1–20