Ivan Garibay
Six human-centered artificial intelligence grand challenges
O Ozmen Garibay, B Winslow, S Andolina, M Antona, A Bodenschatz, ...
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (3), 391-437, 2023
Do graduated university incubator firms benefit from their relationship with university incubators?
V Lasrado, S Sivo, C Ford, T O’Neal, I Garibay
The Journal of Technology Transfer 41, 205-219, 2016
Ns 1987A in SN 1987A
D Page, MV Beznogov, I Garibay, JM Lattimer, M Prakash, HT Janka
The Astrophysical Journal 898 (2), 125, 2020
The proportional genetic algorithm: Gene expression in a genetic algorithm
AS Wu, I Garibay
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 3, 157-192, 2002
The interaction effects of technological innovation and path-dependent economic growth on countries overall green growth performance
S Talebzadehhosseini, I Garibay
Journal of Cleaner Production 333, 130134, 2022
A stance data set on polarized conversations on Twitter about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19
EC Mutlu, T Oghaz, J Jasser, E Tutunculer, A Rajabi, A Tayebi, O Ozmen, ...
Data in brief 33, 106401, 2020
Polarization in social media assists influencers to become more influential: analysis and two inoculation strategies
I Garibay, AV Mantzaris, A Rajabi, CE Taylor
Scientific reports 9 (1), 18592, 2019
Review on graph feature learning and feature extraction techniques for link prediction
EC Mutlu, TA Oghaz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03425, 38, 2019
Interpretable multi-head self-attention architecture for sarcasm detection in social media
R Akula, I Garibay
Entropy 23 (4), 394, 2021
Review on learning and extracting graph features for link prediction
EC Mutlu, T Oghaz, A Rajabi, I Garibay
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 2 (4), 672-704, 2020
A comprehensive survey on machine learning techniques and user authentication approaches for credit card fraud detection
N Yousefi, M Alaghband, I Garibay
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.02629, 2019
The effects of information overload on online conversation dynamics
C Gunaratne, N Baral, W Rand, I Garibay, C Jayalath, C Senevirathna
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 26, 255-276, 2020
Supervised machine learning based ensemble model for accurate prediction of type 2 diabetes
R Akula, N Nguyen, I Garibay
2019 SoutheastCon, 1-8, 2019
Evolutionary model discovery of causal factors behind the socio-agricultural behavior of the ancestral Pueblo
C Gunaratne, I Garibay
Plos one 15 (12), e0239922, 2020
Exploring How Homophily and Accessibility Can Facilitate Polarization in Social Networks
IG Cameron E. Taylor, Alexander V. Mantzaris
Information 9 (325), 2018
Alternate social theory discovery using genetic programming: towards better understanding the artificial anasazi
C Gunaratne, I Garibay
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 115-122, 2017
Controversial information spreads faster and further than non-controversial information in Reddit
J Jasser, I Garibay, S Scheinert, AV Mantzaris
Journal of Computational Social Science 5 (1), 111-122, 2022
Investigating dynamics of COVID-19 spread and containment with agent-based modeling
A Rajabi, AV Mantzaris, EC Mutlu, OO Garibay
Applied Sciences 11 (12), 5367, 2021
Probabilistic model of narratives over topical trends in social media: A discrete time model
TA Oghaz, EÇ Mutlu, J Jasser, N Yousefi, I Garibay
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 281-290, 2020
The modular genetic algorithm: Exploiting regularities in the problem space
OO Garibay, II Garibay, AS Wu
Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003: 18th International Symposium …, 2003
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