Stefan Seidel
Sensemaking and sustainable practicing: functional affordances of information systems in green transformations
S Seidel, J Recker, J Vom Brocke
MIS Quarterly 37 (4), 1275-1299, 2013
Research perspectives: the anatomy of a design principle
S Gregor, L Chandra Kruse, S Seidel
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 21 (6), 1622-1652, 2020
How big data analytics enables service innovation: materiality, affordance, and the individualization of service
C Lehrer, A Wieneke, J Vom Brocke, R Jung, S Seidel
Journal of Management Information Systems 35 (2), 424-460, 2018
Prescriptive knowledge in IS research: Conceptualizing design principles in terms of materiality, action, and boundary conditions
L Chandra, S Seidel, S Gregor
2015 48th hawaii international conference on system sciences, 4039-4048, 2015
Research commentary—data-driven computationally intensive theory development
N Berente, S Seidel, H Safadi
Information Systems Research 30 (1), 50-64, 2019
Design principles for sensemaking support systems in environmental sustainability transformations
S Seidel, L Chandra Kruse, N Székely, M Gau, D Stieger
European Journal of Information Systems 27 (2), 221-247, 2018
On emergence and forcing in information systems grounded theory studies: The case of Strauss and Corbin
S Seidel, C Urquhart
Journal of Information Technology 28 (3), 237-260, 2013
Leaving the beaten tracks in creative work–A design theory for systems that support convergent and divergent thinking
F Müller-Wienbergen, O Müller, S Seidel, J Becker
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 12 (11), 2, 2011
Enablers and barriers to the organizational adoption of sustainable business practices
S Seidel, J Recker, C Pimmer, J Brocke
Software process improvement success factors for small and medium Web companies: A qualitative study
M Sulayman, C Urquhart, E Mendes, S Seidel
Information and Software Technology 54 (5), 479-500, 2012
Editor's comments: Computationally intensive theory construction: A primer for authors and reviewers
S Miranda, N Berente, S Seidel, H Safadi, A Burton-Jones
MIS Quarterly 46 (2), iii-xviii, 2022
Green business process management: towards the sustainable enterprise
J Vom Brocke, S Seidel, J Recker
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Collaborating with technology-based autonomous agents: Issues and research opportunities
I Seeber, L Waizenegger, S Seidel, S Morana, I Benbasat, PB Lowry
Internet Research 30 (1), 1-18, 2020
The sustainability imperative in information systems research
S Seidel, P Bharati, G Fridgen, RT Watson, A Albizri, MCM Boudreau, ...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 40 (1), 3, 2017
The concept of creativity in the information systems discipline: Past, present, and prospects
S Seidel, F Müller-Wienbergen, J Becker
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 27 (1), 14, 2010
Autonomous tools and design: A triple-loop approach to human-machine learning
S Seidel, N Berente, A Lindberg, K Lyytinen, JV Nickerson
Communications of the ACM 62 (1), 50-57, 2018
Questionnaire-driven configuration of reference process models
M La Rosa, J Lux, S Seidel, M Dumas, AHM Ter Hofstede
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 19th International Conference …, 2007
Green IT: a matter of business and information systems engineering?
P Loos, W Nebel, J Marx Gómez, H Hasan, RT Watson, J vom Brocke, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 3, 245-252, 2011
Reflection, Abstraction And Theorizing In Design And Development Research.
S Gregor, O Müller, S Seidel
ECIS 13, 74, 2013
Current and future issues in BPM research: a European perspective from the ERCIS meeting 2010
J Vom Brocke, J Becker, A Maria Braccini, R Butleris, B Hofreiter, ...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 28 (1), 25, 2011
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