The United States and Mexico HF Cline Harvard University Press, 1963 | 537 | 1963 |
PROGRESS IN DOCUMENTATION: 'obsolescence' and changes in the use of literature with time MB Line, A Sandison Journal of documentation 30 (3), 283-350, 1974 | 327 | 1974 |
Draft definitions: information and library needs, wants, demands and uses MB Line Aslib proceedings 26 (2), 87-87, 1974 | 239 | 1974 |
The information uses and needs of social scientists: an overview of INFROSS MB Line Aslib proceedings 23 (8), 412-434, 1971 | 233 | 1971 |
The 'half-life' of periodical literature: apparent and real obsolescence MB Line Journal of documentation 26 (1), 46-54, 1970 | 228 | 1970 |
Information security incident management: Current practice as reported in the literature IA Tøndel, MB Line, MG Jaatun Computers & Security 45, 42-57, 2014 | 165 | 2014 |
Information management for development organisations MB Line Managing information 6 (7), 62, 1999 | 130* | 1999 |
Library surveys: an introduction to their use, planning, procedure and presentation MB Line Archon Books, 1967 | 115* | 1967 |
Safety vs security? MB Line, O Nordland, L Røstad, IA Tøndel PSAM Conference, New Orleans, USA, 2006 | 108* | 2006 |
Information requirements in the social sciences: some preliminary considerations MB Line Journal of librarianship 1 (1), 1-19, 1969 | 104 | 1969 |
Cyber security challenges in Smart Grids MB Line, IA Tøndel, MG Jaatun 2011 2nd IEEE PES international conference and exhibition on innovative …, 2011 | 103 | 2011 |
The influence of the type of sources used on the results of citation analyses MB Line Journal of documentation 35 (4), 265-284, 1979 | 98 | 1979 |
Rank lists based on citations and library uses as indicators of journal usage in individual libraries MB Line Collection management 2 (4), 313-316, 1979 | 93 | 1979 |
A framework for incident response management in the petroleum industry MG Jaatun, E Albrechtsen, MB Line, IA Tøndel, OH Longva International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 2 (1-2), 26-37, 2009 | 86 | 2009 |
Changes in the use of literature with time—Obsolescence revisited MB Line Graduate School of Library and Information Science. University of Illinois …, 1993 | 80 | 1993 |
Efficient mining of user behaviors by temporal mobile access patterns SC Lee, J Paik, J Ok, I Song, UM Kim Int’l J. Computer Science Security 7 (2), 285-291, 2007 | 73 | 2007 |
The structure of social science literature as shown by a large-scale citation analysis MB Line Social Science Information Studies 1 (2), 67-87, 1981 | 71 | 1981 |
Investigation into information requirements of the social sciences : Research report no. 4. The information needs of social workers MB Line OSTI Report, 1972 | 71* | 1972 |
Student attitudes to the university library: a survey at Southampton University MB Line Journal of documentation 19 (3), 100-117, 1963 | 63 | 1963 |
Practical interpretation of citation and library use studies MB Line, A Sandison Association of College and Research Libraries. American Library Association, 1975 | 62 | 1975 |