Afework Edmealem
Afework Edmealem
Debre Markos University
確認したメール アドレス: dmu.edu.et
Factors associated with anxiety and depression among diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure patients at Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia
A Edmealem, CS Olis
Behavioural neurology 2020 (1), 3609873, 2020
Knowledge, attitude, practice and associated factors towards nursing care documentation among nurses in West Gojjam Zone public hospitals, Amhara Ethiopia, 2018
A Andualem, T Asmamaw, M Sintayehu, T Liknaw, A Edmealem, ...
Clinical Journal of Nursing Care and Practice 3 (1), 001-013, 2019
Sleep quality and associated factors among diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure patients at Debre Markos Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia
A Edmealem, SG Degu, D Haile, M Gedfew, B Bewket, A Andualem
Sleep Disorders 2020 (1), 6125845, 2020
Knowledge towards prevention and early detection of chronic kidney disease and associated factors among hypertensive patients at a chronic illness clinic of Jimma Town Public …
B Tegegne, T Demeke, S Amme, A Edmealem, S Ademe
BioMed research international 2020 (1), 5969326, 2020
Timely initiation of complementary feeding and associated factors among mothers of children aged 6–24 months in Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia, 2019
A Andualem, A Edmealem, B Tegegne, L Tilahun, Y Damtie
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020 (1), 6756202, 2020
Adherence to antihypertensive medications among adult hypertensive patients attending chronic follow-up units of Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeastern Ethiopia: A cross …
A Andualem, T Liknaw, A Edmealem, M Gedefaw
Medicine 100 (31), e26818, 2021
Patients’ satisfaction and associated factors towards nursing care in Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia
A Edmealem, Y Asfaw, S Ademe, B Tegegne
Clin J Nurs Care Pract 1 (1), 13-9, 2019
Depressive symptoms and associated factors among HIV positive patients attending public health facilities of Dessie town: a cross-sectional study
Y Damtie, B Kefale, M Yalew, M Arefaynie, B Adane, A Edmealem, ...
PloS one 16 (8), e0255824, 2021
Health-related quality of life and associated factors among type two diabetic patients on follow-up in Dessie Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Dessie, North East Ethiopia, 2020
M Girma, S Wodajo, S Ademe, A Edmealem, M W/silasie, G Mesafint
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, 4529-4541, 2020
Implementation of compassionate and respectful health care service at Northeast Ethiopia: patients' perspective
A Edmealem, D Tsegaye, A Andualem, S Ademe, S Gedamu
International Journal of Caring Sciences 13 (2), 991-1003, 2020
Incidence and predictors of tuberculosis among adult diabetic patients, Debre Markos Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018: a retrospective cohort study
M Gedfew, M Ayana, A Abate, B Bewket, D Haile, A Edmealem, ...
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, 869-878, 2020
Level of physical activity and its associated factors among type II diabetes patients in dessie referral Hospital, northeast Ethiopia
A Edmealem, S Ademe, B Tegegne
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, 4067-4075, 2020
Pattern of ocular diseases among patients attending ophthalmic outpatient department: A cross-sectional study
S Ademe, A Edmealem
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 4 (2), 049-053, 2020
Adherence to Self‐Care among Patients with Hypertension in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
A Edmealem, S Ademe, S Gedamu
International Journal of Hypertension 2022 (1), 5962571, 2022
Nurse–Physician Inter-Professional Collaboration and Associated Factors at Public Hospitals in Dessie City, Amhara, Northeastern Ethiopia, 2021
Y Endris, M W/Selassie, A Edmealem, S Ademe, W Yimam, Y Zenebe
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 1697-1708, 2022
Blood pressure self-monitoring practice and associated factors among adult hypertensive patients on follow-up at South Wollo Zone Public Hospitals, Northeast Ethiopia
A Edmealem, E Geleta, Z Mengesha, B Tegegne, S Ademe, T Liknaw
Open Heart 10 (1), 2023
Poor sleep quality and associated factors among people living with HIV/AIDS attending ART clinic at Tirunesh Beijing Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
A Tadesse, K Badasso, A Edmealem
AIDS Research and Treatment 2023 (1), 6381885, 2023
Sleep quality and associated factors among patients with chronic illness at South Wollo Zone Public Hospitals, Northeast Ethiopia
A Edmealem, S Ademe, A Andualem
Clinical Journal of Nursing Care and Practice 5 (1), 043-050, 2021
Management outcome of intestinal obstruction done by integrated emergency surgical officers and its associated factors in selected district hospitals of South Wollo Zone, North …
S Ademe, A Edmealem, B Tegegne, Z Mengesha
Annals of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 5 (1), 025-031, 2021
Detection of hypertension and its associated factors among dessie town government school staffs, amhara region, dessie, Ethiopia, 2019
S Ademe, A Edmealem
Annals of Clinical Hypertension 4 (1), 009-015, 2020
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