Camillo Jose Taylor
Camillo Jose Taylor
確認したメール アドレス: seas.upenn.edu - ホームページ
Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs: A hybrid geometry-and image-based approach
PE Debevec, CJ Taylor, J Malik
Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2, 465-474, 2023
A vision-based formation control framework
AK Das, R Fierro, V Kumar, JP Ostrowski, J Spletzer, CJ Taylor
IEEE transactions on robotics and automation 18 (5), 813-825, 2002
Robust stereo visual inertial odometry for fast autonomous flight
K Sun, K Mohta, B Pfrommer, M Watterson, S Liu, Y Mulgaonkar, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (2), 965-972, 2018
Planning dynamically feasible trajectories for quadrotors using safe flight corridors in 3-d complex environments
S Liu, M Watterson, K Mohta, K Sun, S Bhattacharya, CJ Taylor, V Kumar
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (3), 1688-1695, 2017
Reconstruction of articulated objects from point correspondences in a single uncalibrated image
CJ Taylor
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 80 (3), 349-363, 2000
Counting apples and oranges with deep learning: A data-driven approach
SW Chen, SS Shivakumar, S Dcunha, J Das, E Okon, C Qu, CJ Taylor, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (2), 781-788, 2017
Structure and motion from line segments in multiple images
CJ Taylor, DJ Kriegman
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 17 (11), 1021 …, 1995
Control of a quadrotor helicopter using dual camera visual feedback
E Altuğ, JP Ostrowski, CJ Taylor
The International Journal of Robotics Research 24 (5), 329-341, 2005
Unsupervised deep homography: A fast and robust homography estimation model
T Nguyen, SW Chen, SS Shivakumar, CJ Taylor, V Kumar
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (3), 2346-2353, 2018
Cooperative localization and control for multi-robot manipulation
J Spletzer, AK Das, R Fierro, CJ Taylor, V Kumar, JP Ostrowski
Proceedings 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2001
Quadrotor control using dual camera visual feedback
E Altug, JP Ostrowski, CJ Taylor
2003 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (Cat. No …, 2003
A comparative study of vision-based lateral control strategies for autonomous highway driving
CJ Taylor, J Košecká, R Blasi, J Malik
The International Journal of Robotics Research 18 (5), 442-453, 1999
Fast, autonomous flight in GPS‐denied and cluttered environments
K Mohta, M Watterson, Y Mulgaonkar, S Liu, C Qu, A Makineni, K Saulnier, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 35 (1), 101-120, 2018
Stochastic road shape estimation
B Southall, CJ Taylor
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001
Pst900: Rgb-thermal calibration, dataset and segmentation network
SS Shivakumar, N Rodrigues, A Zhou, ID Miller, V Kumar, CJ Taylor
2020 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 9441-9447, 2020
Maintaining network connectivity and performance in robot teams
MA Hsieh, A Cowley, V Kumar, CJ Taylor
Journal of field robotics 25 (1‐2), 111-131, 2008
Adaptive teams of autonomous aerial and ground robots for situational awareness
MA Hsieh, A Cowley, JF Keller, L Chaimowicz, B Grocholsky, V Kumar, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 24 (11‐12), 991-1014, 2007
A framework and architecture for multi-robot coordination
R Fierro, A Das, J Spletzer, J Esposito, V Kumar, JP Ostrowski, G Pappas, ...
The International Journal of Robotics Research 21 (10-11), 977-995, 2002
Vision-based motion planning and exploration algorithms for mobile robots
CJ Taylor, DJ Kriegman
IEEE Transactions on robotics and Automation 14 (3), 417-426, 1998
Minimization on the Lie group SO (3) and related manifolds
CJ Taylor, DJ Kriegman
Technical Report 9405, Center for Systems Science, Dept. of Electrical …, 1994
論文 1–20