Daniël Demeyer
Daniël Demeyer
Full Professor (Retired) Nutrition and Animal Production
確認したメール アドレス: ugent.be
Meat fatty acid composition as affected by fatness and genetic factors: a review
S De Smet, K Raes, D Demeyer
Animal Research 53 (2), 81-98, 2004
Effect of dietary fatty acids on incorporation of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid in lamb, beef and pork meat: a review
K Raes, S De Smet, D Demeyer
Animal feed science and technology 113 (1-4), 199-221, 2004
Manipulation of ruminal fermentation
TG Nagaraja, CJ Newbold, CJ Van Nevel, DI Demeyer
The rumen microbial ecosystem, 523-632, 1997
Control of rumen methanogenesis
CJ Van Nevel, DI Demeyer
Environmental Monitoring and assessment 42, 73-97, 1996
Targets and procedures for altering ruminant meat and milk lipids
D Demeyer, M Doreau
Proceedings of the nutrition society 58 (3), 593-607, 1999
Effect of monensin on rumen metabolism in vitro
CJ Van Nevel, DI Demeyer
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 34 (3), 251-257, 1977
The importance of meat enzymes in ripening and flavour generation in dry fermented sausages. First results of a European project
K Molly, D Demeyer, G Johansson, M Raemaekers, M Ghistelinck, ...
Food chemistry 59 (4), 539-545, 1997
Meat quality, fatty acid composition and flavour analysis in Belgian retail beef
K Raes, A Balcaen, P Dirinck, A De Winne, E Claeys, D Demeyer, ...
Meat science 65 (4), 1237-1246, 2003
Effect of double-muscling in Belgian Blue young bulls on the intramuscular fatty acid composition with emphasis on conjugated linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids
K Raes, S De Smet, D Demeyer
Animal Science 73 (2), 253-260, 2001
Estimation of direct and indirect gas production in syringes: A tool to estimate short chain fatty acid production that requires minimal laboratory facilities
V Fievez, OJ Babayemi, D Demeyer
Animal feed science and technology 123, 197-210, 2005
Rumen microbes and digestion of plant cell walls
DI Demeyer
Agriculture and Environment 6 (2-3), 295-337, 1981
Methanogenesis, an integrated part of carbohydrate fermentation and its control
D Di
Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant, 1975
Quantitative aspects of microbial metabolism in the rumen and hindgut
DI Demeyer
Rumen microbial metabolism and ruminant digestion, 217-237, 1991
Effect of defaunating the rumen
JP Jouany, DI Demeyer, J Grain
Animal Feed Science and Technology 21 (2-4), 229-265, 1988
Approach to the energetic importance of fibre digestion in pigs. I. Importance of fermentation in the overall energy supply
NA Dierick, IJ Vervaeke, DI Demeyer, JA Decuypere
Animal Feed Science and Technology 23 (1-3), 141-167, 1989
Influence of pH on lipolysis and biohydrogenation of soybean oil by rumen contents in vitro
CJ Van Nevel, DI Demeyer
Reproduction Nutrition Development 36 (1), 53-63, 1996
Mechanisms linking colorectal cancer to the consumption of (processed) red meat: a review
D Demeyer, B Mertens, S De Smet, M Ulens
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 56 (16), 2747-2766, 2016
Control of bioflavour and safety in fermented sausages: first results of a European project
D Demeyer, M Raemaekers, A Rizzo, A Holck, A De Smedt, B Ten Brink, ...
Food Research International 33 (3-4), 171-180, 2000
Fish oils as potent rumen methane inhibitors and associated effects on rumen fermentation in vitro and in vivo
V Fievez, F Dohme, M Danneels, K Raes, D Demeyer
Animal Feed Science and Technology 104 (1-4), 41-58, 2003
Milk odd-and branched-chain fatty acids in relation to the rumen fermentation pattern
B Vlaeminck, V Fievez, S Tamminga, RJ Dewhurst, A Van Vuuren, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 89 (10), 3954-3964, 2006
論文 1–20