Hamid Mahmoudi
A new fault-tolerant strategy based on a modified selective harmonic technique for three-phase multilevel converters with a single faulty cell
M Aleenejad, H Mahmoudi, P Moamaei, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (4), 3141-3150, 2015
Modulated model predictive control of modular multilevel converters in VSC-HVDC systems
H Mahmoudi, M Aleenejad, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (5), 2115-2124, 2017
Unbalanced space vector modulation with fundamental phase shift compensation for faulty multilevel converters
M Aleenejad, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (10), 7224-7233, 2015
A Fault-Tolerant Strategy Based on Fundamental Phase-Shift Compensation for Three-Phase Multilevel Converters With Quasi-Z-Source Networks With Discontinuous Input Current
M Aleenejad, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (11), 7480 - 7488, 2016
Multifault tolerance strategy for three-phase multilevel converters based on a half-wave symmetrical selective harmonic elimination technique
M Aleenejad, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (10), 7980-7989, 2016
Fault-tolerant space vector modulation for modular multilevel converters with bypassed faulty submodules
M Aleenejad, H Mahmoudi, S Jafarishiadeh, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (3), 2463-2473, 2018
A new multiobjective modulated model predictive control method with adaptive objective prioritization
H Mahmoudi, M Aleenejad, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (2), 1188-1199, 2016
Simplified model predictive control with variable weighting factor for current ripple reduction
A Abbaszadeh, DA Khaburi, H Mahmoudi, J Rodríguez
IET Power Electronics 10 (10), 1165-1174, 2017
Fuzzy adjustment of weighting factor in model predictive control of permanent magnet synchronous machines using current membership functions
H Mahmoudi, M Aleenejad, P Moamaei, R Ahmadi
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), 1-5, 2016
Reduced number of auxiliary H‐bridge power cells for post‐fault operation of three phase cascaded H‐bridge inverter
M Aleenejad, S Jafarishiadeh, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi
IET Power Electronics 12 (11), 2923-2931, 2019
Fault-tolerant operation of cascaded H-Bridge inverters using one redundant cell
P Moamaei, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi
2015 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), 1-5, 2015
Modulated Model Predictive Control for a Z-Source-Based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive System
H Mahmoudi, M Aleenejad, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (10), 8307-8319, 2017
A new high-switching-frequency modulation technique to improve the dc-link voltage utilization in multilevel converters
M Aleenejad, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi, H Iman-Eini
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (3), 1807-1817, 2016
Online fuzzy tuning of weighting factor in model predictive control of PMSM
H Mahmoudi, MJ Lesani, D Arab Khaburi
Fuzzy Systems (IFSC), 2013 13th Iranian Conference on, 1-5, 2013
Torque ripple minimization for a permanent magnet synchronous motor using a modified quasi-Z-source inverter
H Mahmoudi, M Aleenejad, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (4), 3819-3830, 2018
Unbalanced Selective Harmonic Elimination for fault-tolerant operation of three phase multilevel Cascaded H-bridge inverters
M Aleenejad, P Moamaei, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi
2015 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1589-1594, 2015
A new modulated model predictive control method for mitigation of effects of constant power loads
H Mahmoudi, M Aleenejad, R Ahmadi
2016 ieee power and energy conference at illinois (peci), 1-5, 2016
Topology exploration and control of a filter-less Z-source inverter
H Mahmoudi, M Aleenejad, R Ahmadi
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), 1-5, 2016
Predictive torque control of induction motor based on improved fuzzy control method
MJ Lesani, H Mahmoudi, M Ebrahim, S Varzali
2013 13th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IFSC), 1-5, 2013
A modified space vector modulation method for fault-tolerant operation of multilevel converters
M Aleenejad, H Mahmoudi, R Ahmadi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31, 1, 2015
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