Luis A. Guzman
Assessing equity in transport accessibility to work and study: The Bogotá region
LA Guzman, D Oviedo, C Rivera
Journal of Transport Geography 58, 236-246, 2017
Accessibility, affordability and equity: Assessing ‘pro-poor’public transport subsidies in Bogotá
LA Guzman, D Oviedo
Transport Policy 68, 37-51, 2018
COVID-19, activity and mobility patterns in Bogotá. Are we ready for a ‘15-minute city’?
LA Guzman, J Arellana, D Oviedo, CAM Aristizábal
Travel Behaviour and Society 24, 245-256, 2021
Urban form and spatial urban equity in Bogota, Colombia
LA Guzman
Transportation Research Procedia 25, 4495-4510, 2017
A cellular automata-based land-use model as an integrated spatial decision support system for urban planning in developing cities: The case of the Bogotá region
LA Guzman, F Escobar, J Peña, R Cardona
Land use policy 92, 104445, 2020
Confronting congestion in urban areas: Developing Sustainable Mobility Plans for public and private organizations in Bogotá
LA Guzman, J Arellana, V Alvarez
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 134, 321-335, 2020
Socioeconomic strata as proxy variable for household income in transportation research. Evaluation for Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and Barranquilla
V Cantillo-García, LA Guzman, J Arellana
Dyna 86 (211), 258-267, 2019
Accessibility changes: Analysis of the integrated public transport system of Bogotá
LA Guzman, D Oviedo, R Cardona
Sustainability 10 (11), 3958, 2018
City profile: the Bogotá metropolitan area that never was
LA Guzman, D Oviedo, JP Bocarejo
Cities 60, 202-215, 2017
Desirable streets for pedestrians: Using a street-level index to assess walkability
LA Guzman, J Arellana, WF Castro
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 111, 103462, 2022
Revisiting accessibility in a context of sustainable transport: Capabilities and inequalities in Bogota
D Oviedo, LA Guzman
Sustainability 12 (11), 4464, 2020
Buying a car and the street: Transport justice and urban space distribution
LA Guzman, D Oviedo, J Arellana, V Cantillo-García
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 95, 102860, 2021
Assessing the role of the built environment and sociodemographic characteristics on walking travel distances in Bogotá
LA Guzman, J Peña, JA Carrasco
Journal of transport geography 88, 102844, 2020
Walk this way: Pedestrian accessibility and equity in Barranquilla and Soledad, Colombia
J Arellana, V Alvarez, D Oviedo, LA Guzman
Research in Transportation Economics 86, 101024, 2021
Urban transformations and health: methods for TrUST—a natural experiment evaluating the impacts of a mass transit cable car in Bogotá, Colombia
OL Sarmiento, D Higuera-Mendieta, MA Wilches-Mogollon, LA Guzman, ...
Frontiers in public health 8, 64, 2020
Cycling diversity, accessibility, and equality: An analysis of cycling commuting in Bogotá
D Rosas-Satizábal, LA Guzman, D Oviedo
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 88, 102562, 2020
The effects of public transport subsidies for lower-income users on public transport use: A quasi-experimental study
LA Guzman, P Hessel
Transport Policy 126, 215-224, 2022
Urban transport planning and access inequalities: A tale of two Colombian cities
J Arellana, D Oviedo, LA Guzman, V Alvarez
Research in Transportation Business & Management 40, 100554, 2021
Optimal and long-term dynamic transport policy design. Searching for maximum social welfare through a pricing scheme
LA Guzman, D de la Hoz, A Monzón
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 8 (4), 297-316, 2014
Is the built-environment at origin, on route, and at destination associated with bicycle commuting? A gender-informed approach
D Higuera-Mendieta, PA Uriza, SA Cabrales, AL Medaglia, LA Guzman, ...
Journal of transport geography 94, 103120, 2021
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