Andrea Gauthier
Serious gaming and gamification education in health professions: systematic review
SV Gentry, A Gauthier, BLE Ehrstrom, D Wortley, A Lilienthal, LT Car, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (3), e12994, 2019
Board games for health: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
A Gauthier, PM Kato, KCM Bul, I Dunwell, A Walker-Clarke, P Lameras
Games for health journal 8 (2), 85-100, 2019
Exploring the influence of game design on learning and voluntary use in an online vascular anatomy study aid
A Gauthier, M Corrin, J Jenkinson
Computers & Education 87, 24-34, 2015
Serious gaming and gamification interventions for health professional education
S Gentry, BLE Ehrstrom, A Gauthier, J Alvarez, D Wortley, J van Rijswijk, ...
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2018 (6), CD012209, 2018
Designing productively negative experiences with serious game mechanics: Qualitative analysis of game-play and game design in a randomized trial
A Gauthier, J Jenkinson
Computers & Education 127, 66-89, 2018
Cultural implications in the acceptability of game-based learning
KS Jossan, A Gauthier, J Jenkinson
Computers & Education 174, 104305, 2021
Serious game leverages productive negativity to facilitate conceptual change in undergraduate molecular biology: A mixed-methods randomized controlled trial
A Gauthier, J Jenkinson
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) 7 (2), 20-34, 2017
Manipulating interface design features affects children's stop-and-think behaviours in a counterintuitive-problem game
A Gauthier, K Porayska-Pomsta, I Dumontheil, S Mayer, D Mareschal
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 29 (2), 1-21, 2022
Redesigning learning games for different learning contexts: Applying a serious game design framework to redesign Stop & Think
A Gauthier, K Porayska-Pomsta, S Mayer, I Dumontheil, EK Farran, D Bell, ...
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 33, 100503, 2022
The role of CCI in supporting children’s engagement with environmental sustainability at a time of climate crisis
A Vasalou, A Gauthier
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 38, 100605, 2023
Molecular Concepts Adaptive Assessment (MCAA) characterizes undergraduate misconceptions about molecular emergence
A Gauthier, S Jantzen, G McGill, J Jenkinson
CBE—Life Sciences Education 18 (1), ar4, 2019
Game design for transforming and assessing undergraduates’ understanding of molecular emergence (pilot)
A Gauthier, J Jenkinson
Proceedings of the 9th European conference on games based learning, 656-663, 2015
Is it time we get real? A systematic review of the potential of data-driven technologies to address teachers' implicit biases
A Gauthier, S Rizvi, M Cukurova, M Mavrikis
Frontiers in artificial intelligence 5, 994967, 2022
I don't usually listen, I read: How different learner groups process game feedback
A Gauthier, L Benton, L Bunting, E Herbert, E Sumner, M Mavrikis, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
Examining gender differences in game-based learning through BKT parameter estimation
S Rizvi, A Gauthier, M Cukurova, M Mavrikis
International conference on artificial intelligence in education, 600-606, 2022
The effect of attention cueing in molecular animation to communicate random motion
J Jenkinson, S Jantzen, A Gauthier, G McGill
Earli Sig 2, 96-98, 2016
Adoption and usage challenges of a Learning Analytics Dashboard for game-based learning: design and implementation implications
A Gauthier, M Mavrikis, L Benton, A Vasalou
Companion Proceedings 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2022
Exploring how children with reading difficulties respond to instructional supports in literacy games and the role of prior knowledge
L Benton, N Joye, E Sumner, A Gauthier, S Ibrahim, A Vasalou
British Journal of Educational Technology 54 (5), 1314-1331, 2023
The promise of physiological data in collaborative learning: A systematic literature review
W Febriantoro, A Gauthier, M Cukurova
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 75-88, 2023
Woes of an RCT for Game-Based Learning Research-Past Problems and Potential Solutions
A Gauthier, J Jenkinson
2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2016
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