M. Fatih Demirci
M. Fatih Demirci
Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Engineering, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University
確認したメール アドレス: aybu.edu.tr
Speech emotion recognition with deep convolutional neural networks
D Issa, MF Demirci, A Yazici
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 59, 101894, 2020
Object recognition as many-to-many feature matching
MF Demirci, A Shokoufandeh, Y Keselman, L Bretzner, S Dickinson
International Journal of Computer Vision 69, 203-222, 2006
3D object retrieval using many-to-many matching of curve skeletons
ND Cornea, MF Demirci, D Silver, SJ Dickinson, PB Kantor
International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2005 (SMI'05 …, 2005
Many-to-many graph matching via metric embedding
Y Keselman, A Shokoufandeh, MF Demirci, S Dickinson
2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2003
Cifar-10 image classification with convolutional neural networks for embedded systems
RC Çalik, MF Demirci
2018 IEEE/ACS 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2018
Skeletal shape abstraction from examples
MF Demirci, A Shokoufandeh, SJ Dickinson
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (5), 944-952, 2008
Many-to-many feature matching using spherical coding of directed graphs
MF Demirci, A Shokoufandeh, S Dickinson, Y Keselman, L Bretzner
Computer Vision-ECCV 2004: 8th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2004
Selecting canonical views for view-based 3-d object recognition
T Denton, MF Demirci, J Abrahamson, A Shokoufandeh, S Dickinson
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
The representation and matching of categorical shape
A Shokoufandeh, L Bretzner, D Macrini, MF Demirci, C Jönsson, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103 (2), 139-154, 2006
Indexing through laplacian spectra
MF Demirci, RH van Leuken, RC Veltkamp
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 110 (3), 312-325, 2008
Comparison of three different CNN architectures for age classification
MF Aydogdu, V Celik, MF Demirci
2017 IEEE 11th international conference on semantic computing (ICSC), 372-377, 2017
Many-to-many feature matching in object recognition: a review of three approaches
A Shokoufandeh, Y Keselman, MF Demirci, D Macrini, S Dickinson
IET computer vision 6 (6), 500-513, 2012
Pipelining Harris corner detection with a tiny FPGA for a mobile robot
MF Aydogdu, MF Demirci, C Kasnakoglu
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2177 …, 2013
Efficient many-to-many feature matching under the l1 norm
MF Demirci, Y Osmanlioglu, A Shokoufandeh, S Dickinson
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (7), 976-983, 2011
Deep learning-based object classification and position estimation pipeline for potential use in robotized pick-and-place operations
S Soltan, A Oleinikov, MF Demirci, A Shintemirov
Robotics 9 (3), 63, 2020
Indexing Music Collections Through Graph Spectra.
A Pinto, RH Van Leuken, MF Demirci, F Wiering, RC Veltkamp
ISMIR, 153-156, 2007
The representation and matching of images using top points
MF Demirci, B Platel, A Shokoufandeh, LLMJ Florack, SJ Dickinson
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 35, 103-116, 2009
Many-to-many matching of scale-space feature hierarchies using metric embedding
M Fatih Demirci, A Shokoufandeh, Y Keselman, S Dickinson, L Bretzner
Scale Space Methods in Computer Vision: 4th International Conference, Scale …, 2003
Toward efficient and intelligent video analytics with visual privacy protection for large-scale surveillance
NA Tu, T Huynh-The, KS Wong, MF Demirci, YK Lee
The Journal of Supercomputing 77 (12), 14374-14404, 2021
2D and 3D shape retrieval using skeleton filling rate
Y Sirin, MF Demirci
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 7823-7848, 2017
論文 1–20