Patricia A Jaques
Patricia A Jaques
Porfessor Colaborador, PPGInf, UFPR; Professor Visitante, PPGC/UFPEL
確認したメール アドレス: inf.ufpr.br
The impact of gamification on students’ learning, engagement and behavior based on their personality traits
R Smiderle, SJ Rigo, LB Marques, JA Peçanha de Miranda Coelho, ...
Smart Learning Environments 7 (1), 3, 2020
An analysis of hierarchical text classification using word embeddings
RA Stein, PA Jaques, JF Valiati
Information Sciences 471, 216-232, 2019
Gamificação aplicada à educação: um mapeamento sistemático
SS Borges, HM Reis, VHS Durelli, II Bittencourt, PA Jaques, S Isotani
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2013
A BDI approach to infer student’s emotions in an intelligent learning environment
PA Jaques, RM Vicari
Computers & Education 49 (2), 360-384, 2007
Affective states in computer-supported collaborative learning: Studying the past to drive the future
RCD Reis, S Isotani, CL Rodriguez, KT Lyra, PA Jaques, II Bittencourt
Computers & Education 120, 29-50, 2018
A Semantic Web-based authoring tool to facilitate the planning of collaborative learning scenarios compliant with learning theories
S Isotani, R Mizoguchi, S Isotani, OM Capeli, N Isotani, ...
Computers & Education 63, 267-284, 2013
Rule-based expert systems to support step-by-step guidance in algebraic problem solving: The case of the tutor PAT2Math
PA Jaques, H Seffrin, G Rubi, F de Morais, C Ghilardi, II Bittencourt, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (14), 5456-5465, 2013
Infographics or graphics+ text: Which material is best for robust learning?
KT Lyra, S Isotani, RCD Reis, LB Marques, LZ Pedro, PA Jaques, ...
2016 ieee 16th international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2016
What do students do on-line? Modeling students' interactions to improve their learning experience
R Paiva, II Bittencourt, T Tenório, P Jaques, S Isotani
Computers in Human Behavior 64, 769-781, 2016
The effects of animated pedagogical agents in an English-as-a-foreign-language learning environment
T Carlotto, PA Jaques
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 95, 15-26, 2016
Estado da arte em ambientes inteligentes de aprendizagem que consideram a afetividade do aluno
PA Jaques, RM Vicari
Informática na educação, UFRGS: Porto Alegre 8 (1), 15-38, 2005
Using pedagogical agents to support collaborative distance learning
P Jaques, A Andrade, J Jung, R Bordini, R Vicari
Computer support for collaborative learning, 546-547, 2023
Effects of adaptive training on metacognitive knowledge monitoring ability in computer-based learning
TR Kautzmann, PA Jaques
Computers & Education 129, 92-105, 2019
Infering emotions and applying affective tactics for a better learning
PA Jaques, RM Viccari
Agent-based tutoring systems by cognitive and affective modeling, 135-155, 2008
Considering Students' emotions in computer-mediated learning environments
PA Jaques, RM Viccari
Web-based intelligent e-learning systems: Technologies and applications, 122-138, 2006
A computational model of distance learning based on Vygotsky’s socio-cultural approach
AF de Andrade, PA Jaques, JL Jung, RH Bordini, RM Vicari
Proceedings of the Workshop on AI-ED, 33-40, 2001
The impact of gamification on students’ learning, engagement and behavior based on their personality traits. Smart Learning Environments, 7 (1)
R Smiderle, SJ Rigo, LB Marques, J Coelho, PA Jaques
Evaluating the affective tactics of an emotional pedagogical agent
PA Jaques, M Lehmann, S Pesty
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 104-109, 2009
Using an animated pedagogical agent to interact affectively with the student
PA Jaques
A systematic review on multi-device inclusive environments
II Bittencourt, MC Baranauskas, R Pereira, D Dermeval, S Isotani, ...
Universal Access in the Information Society 15, 737-772, 2016
論文 1–20