Joshua J Gagne
Joshua J Gagne
Johnson & Johnson | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
確認したメール アドレス: its.jnj.com - ホームページ
A combined comorbidity score predicted mortality in elderly patients better than existing scores
JJ Gagne, RJ Glynn, J Avorn, R Levin, S Schneeweiss
Journal of clinical epidemiology 64 (7), 749-759, 2011
Anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of Parkinson disease: a meta-analysis
JJ Gagne, MC Power
Neurology 74 (12), 995-1002, 2010
Development of a comorbidity index for use in obstetric patients
BT Bateman, JM Mhyre, S Hernandez-Diaz, KF Huybrechts, MA Fischer, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 122 (5), 957-965, 2013
Effects of adjusting for instrumental variables on bias and precision of effect estimates
JA Myers, JA Rassen, JJ Gagne, KF Huybrechts, S Schneeweiss, ...
American journal of epidemiology 174 (11), 1213-1222, 2011
The association between blood pressure and incident Alzheimer disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MC Power, J Weuve, JJ Gagne, MB McQueen, A Viswanathan, D Blacker
Epidemiology 22 (5), 646-659, 2011
Seizure outcomes following the use of generic versus brand-name antiepileptic drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis
AS Kesselheim, MR Stedman, EJ Bubrick, JJ Gagne, AS Misono, JL Lee, ...
Drugs 70, 605-621, 2010
Reporting to improve reproducibility and facilitate validity assessment for healthcare database studies V1. 0
SV Wang, S Schneeweiss, ML Berger, J Brown, F de Vries, I Douglas, ...
Value in health 20 (8), 1009-1022, 2017
Innovative research methods for studying treatments for rare diseases: methodological review
JJ Gagne, L Thompson, K O’Keefe, AS Kesselheim
Bmj 349, 2014
Assessing the comparative effectiveness of newly marketed medications: methodological challenges and implications for drug development
S Schneeweiss, JJ Gagne, RJ Glynn, M Ruhl, JA Rassen
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 90 (6), 777-790, 2011
Comparative effectiveness of generic and brand-name statins on patient outcomes: a cohort study
JJ Gagne, NK Choudhry, AS Kesselheim, JM Polinski, D Hutchins, ...
Annals of internal medicine 161 (6), 400-407, 2014
Comparative efficacy and safety of new oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation
S Schneeweiss, JJ Gagne, AR Patrick, NK Choudhry, J Avorn
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 5 (4), 480-486, 2012
Prescription drug use during pregnancy: a population-based study in Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy
JJ Gagne, V Maio, V Berghella, DZ Louis, JS Gonnella
European journal of clinical pharmacology 64, 1125-1132, 2008
Prevalence and predictors of potential drug–drug interactions in Regione Emilia‐Romagna, Italy
JJ Gagne, V Maio, C Rabinowitz
Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics 33 (2), 141-151, 2008
Matching weights to simultaneously compare three treatment groups: comparison to three-way matching
K Yoshida, S Hernández-Díaz, DH Solomon, JW Jackson, JJ Gagne, ...
Epidemiology 28 (3), 387-395, 2017
Role of disease risk scores in comparative effectiveness research with emerging therapies
RJ Glynn, JJ Gagne, S Schneeweiss
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 21, 138-147, 2012
Adaptation and validation of the combined comorbidity score for ICD-10-CM
JW Sun, JR Rogers, Q Her, EC Welch, CA Panozzo, S Toh, JJ Gagne
Medical care 55 (12), 1046-1051, 2017
Safety related label changes for new drugs after approval in the US through expedited regulatory pathways: retrospective cohort study
SR Mostaghim, JJ Gagne, AS Kesselheim
bmj 358, 2017
Effectiveness and safety of apixaban compared with rivaroxaban for patients with atrial fibrillation in routine practice: a cohort study
M Fralick, M Colacci, S Schneeweiss, KF Huybrechts, KJ Lin, JJ Gagne
Annals of internal medicine 172 (7), 463-473, 2020
Type of stress ulcer prophylaxis and risk of nosocomial pneumonia in cardiac surgical patients: cohort study
BT Bateman, K Bykov, NK Choudhry, S Schneeweiss, JJ Gagne, ...
Bmj 347, 2013
How many “me-too” drugs is too many?
JJ Gagne, NK Choudhry
Jama 305 (7), 711-712, 2011
論文 1–20