Paul Erftemeijer
Paul Erftemeijer
Research Professor, UWA Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia
確認したメール アドレス: globalskm.com - ホームページ
Extinction risk assessment of the world’s seagrass species
FT Short, B Polidoro, SR Livingstone, KE Carpenter, S Bandeira, ...
Biological Conservation 144 (7), 1961-1971, 2011
Environmental impacts of dredging and other sediment disturbances on corals: a review
PLA Erftemeijer, B Riegl, BW Hoeksema, PA Todd
Marine pollution bulletin 64 (9), 1737-1765, 2012
Environmental impacts of dredging on seagrasses: a review
PLA Erftemeijer, RRR Lewis III
Marine pollution bulletin 52 (12), 1553-1572, 2006
Windows of opportunity: thresholds to mangrove seedling establishment on tidal flats
T Balke, TJ Bouma, EM Horstman, EL Webb, PLA Erftemeijer, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 440, 1-9, 2011
A comparison of threats, vulnerabilities and management approaches in global seagrass bioregions
A Grech, K Chartrand-Miller, P Erftemeijer, M Fonseca, L McKenzie, ...
Environmental Research Letters 7 (2), 024006, 2012
Seasonal changes in environmental variables, biomass, production and nutrient contents in two contrasting tropical intertidal seagrass beds in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
PLA Erftemeijer, PMJ Herman
Oecologia 99, 45-59, 1994
A critical analysis of the direct effects of dredging on fish
AS Wenger, E Harvey, S Wilson, C Rawson, SJ Newman, D Clarke, ...
Fish and Fisheries 18 (5), 967-985, 2017
Defining eco-morphodynamic requirements for rehabilitating eroding mangrove-mud coasts
JC Winterwerp, PLA Erftemeijer, N Suryadiputra, P van Eijk, L Zhang
Wetlands 33 (3), 515-526, 2013
Sediment-nutrient interactions in tropical seagrass beds: a comparison between a terrigenous and a carbonate sedimentary environment in South Sulawesi (Indonesia)
PLA Erftemeijer, JJ Middelburg
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 187-198, 1993
Accumulation of seagrass beach cast along the Kenyan coast: a quantitative assessment
CA Ochieng, PLA Erftemeijer
Aquatic botany 65 (1-4), 221-238, 1999
Planting Mangroves on Intertidal Mudflats: Habitat Restoration or Habitat Conversion?
PLA Erftemeijer, RRL In
Proceedings of the ECOTONE VIII Seminar “En—Hancing Coastal Ecosystems …, 2000
Differences in nutrient concentrations and resources between seagrass communities on carbonate and terrigenous sediments in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
PLA Erftemeijer
Bulletin of Marine Science 54 (2), 403-419, 1994
Variability in transport of fish eggs and larvae. III. Effects of hydrodynamics and larval behaviour on recruitment in plaice
LJ Bolle, M Dickey-Collas, JKL van Beek, PLA Erftemeijer, JIJ Witte, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 390, 195-211, 2009
Primary production of seagrass beds in South Sulawesi (Indonesia): a comparison of habitats, methods and species
PLA Erftemeijer, R Osinga, AE Mars
Aquatic Botany 46 (1), 67-90, 1993
The biology of Thalassia: paradigms and recent advances in research
AWD LARKUM, RJ ORTH, CM DUARTE, BI Tussenbroek, JA Vonk, ...
Seagrasses: Biology, Ecologyand Conservation, 409-439, 2006
The limited effect of in situ phosphorus and nitrogen additions to seagrass beds on carbonate and terrigenous sediments in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
PLA Erftemeijer, J Stapel, MJE Smekens, WME Drossaert
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 182 (1), 123-140, 1994
Seagrass habitats in the Arabian Gulf: distribution, tolerance thresholds and threats
PLA Erftemeijer, DA Shuail
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 15 (sup1), 73-83, 2012
GEM: a generic ecological model for estuaries and coastal waters
AN Blauw, HFJ Los, M Bokhorst, PLA Erftemeijer
Hydrobiologia 618, 175-198, 2009
Courage under fire: seagrass persistence adjacent to a highly urbanised city–state
SM Yaakub, LJ McKenzie, PLA Erftemeijer, T Bouma, PA Todd
Marine Pollution Bulletin 83 (2), 417-424, 2014
Impacts of sediments on coral energetics: partitioning the effects of turbidity and settling particles
RK Junjie, NK Browne, PLA Erftemeijer, PA Todd
PloS one 9 (9), e107195, 2014
論文 1–20