Hassan Zargarzadeh
Hassan Zargarzadeh
確認したメール アドレス: なし
Online Optimal Control of Nonaffine Nonlinear Discrete‐Time Systems without Using Value and Policy Iterations
H Zargarzadeh, Q Yang, S JAGANNATHANI
Reinforcement Learning and Approximate Dynamic Programming for Feedback …, 2013
Neural network-based optimal adaptive output feedback control of a helicopter UAV
D Nodland, H Zargarzadeh, S Jagannathan
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 24 (7), 1061-1073, 2013
Optimal Control of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Systems in Strict-Feedback Form
H Zargarzadeh, T Dierks, S Jagannathan
Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on 26 (10), 2535 - 2549, 2015
An efficient and scalable deep learning approach for road damage detection
S Naddaf-Sh, MM Naddaf-Sh, AR Kashani, H Zargarzadeh
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5602-5608, 2020
Adaptive neural network-based optimal control of nonlinear continuous-time systems in strict-feedback form
H Zargarzadeh, T Dierks, S Jagannathan
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 28 (3-5 …, 2014
Wireless power transfer for electric vehicle using an adaptive robot
MR Barzegaran, H Zargarzadeh, OA Mohammed
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (6), 1-4, 2017
Real‐Time Road Crack Mapping Using an Optimized Convolutional Neural Network
MM Naddaf-Sh, SS Hosseini, J Zhang, NA Brake, H Zargarzadeh
Complexity 2019 (1), 2470735, 2019
Extremum seeking-based model predictive MPPT for grid-tied Z-source inverter for photovoltaic systems
S Sajadian, R Ahmadi, H Zargarzadeh
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (1), 216-227, 2018
Nonlinear Power Sharing Controller for a Double-Input H-Bridge-Based Buckboost–Buckboost Converter
R Ahmadi, H Zargarzadeh, M Ferdowsi
Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 28 (9), 2402 - 2414, 2013
Controller design for voltage-source converter using LQG/LTR
MT Andani, H Pourgharibshahi, Z Ramezani, H Zargarzadeh
2018 IEEE texas power and energy conference (TPEC), 1-6, 2018
Design and implementation of an assistive real‐time red lionfish detection system for AUV/ROVs
MM Naddaf-Sh, H Myler, H Zargarzadeh
Complexity 2018 (1), 5298294, 2018
Neuro-adaptive backstepping control of SISO non-affine systems with unknown gain sign
Z Ramezani, MM Arefi, H Zargarzadeh, MR Jahed-Motlagh
ISA transactions 65, 199-209, 2016
Kinematics of spherical robots rolling over 3D terrains
S Moazami, H Zargarzadeh, S Palanki
Complexity 2019 (1), 7543969, 2019
Defect detection and classification in welding using deep learning and digital radiography
MM Naddaf-Sh, S Naddaf-Sh, H Zargarzadeh, SM Zahiri, M Dalton, ...
Fault diagnosis and prognosis techniques for complex engineering systems …, 2021
Observer‐based sliding mode control for path tracking of a spherical robot
M Taheri Andani, Z Ramezani, S Moazami, J Cao, MM Arefi, ...
Complexity 2018 (1), 3129398, 2018
Experimental verification and comparison of different stabilizing controllers for a rotary inverted pendulum
A Al-Jodah, H Zargarzadeh, MK Abbas
2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2013
Power system dynamic model reduction by means of an iterative SVD-Krylov model reduction method
M Khatibi, H Zargarzadeh, M Barzegaran
2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2016
Multiagent Task Allocation in Complementary Teams: A Hunter‐and‐Gatherer Approach
M Dadvar, S Moazami, HR Myler, H Zargarzadeh
Complexity 2020 (1), 1752571, 2020
Neuro observer‐based control of pure feedback MIMO systems with unknown control direction
Z Ramezani, MM Arefi, H Zargarzadeh, MR Jahed‐Motlagh
IET Control Theory & Applications 11 (2), 213-224, 2017
Comparative analysis of dynamic model reduction with application in power systems
M Khatibi, T Amraee, H Zargarzadeh, M Barzegaran
Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC), 2016
論文 1–20