Dominique Longin
Dominique Longin
CNRS, IRIT (CNRS, INPT, UT3, UT1, UT2J), TMBI (Univ. Toulouse)
確認したメール アドレス: irit.fr - ホームページ
A logical formalization of the OCC theory of emotions
C Adam, A Herzig, D Longin
Synthese 168, 201-248, 2009
The face of emotions: a logical formalization of expressive speech acts
N Guiraud, D Longin, E Lorini, S Pesty, J Rivière
10th Internationale Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems …, 2011
C&L Intention Revisited.
A Herzig, D Longin
KR 4, 527-535, 2004
Lotrec: the generic tableau prover for modal and description logics
LF del Cerro, D Fauthoux, O Gasquet, A Herzig, D Longin, F Massacci
Automated Reasoning: First International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2001 Siena …, 2001
A logical analysis of responsibility attribution: emotions, individuals and collectives
E Lorini, D Longin, E Mayor
Journal of Logic and Computation 24 (6), 1313-1339, 2014
A logic for planning under partial observability
A Herzig, J Lang, D Longin, T Polacsek
AAAI/IAAI, 768-773, 2000
LoTREC: Logical tableaux research engineering companion
O Gasquet, A Herzig, D Longin, M Sahade
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 14th …, 2005
OCC’s emotions: a formalization in a BDI logic
C Adam, B Gaudou, A Herzig, D Longin
Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications: 12th …, 2006
The logic of acceptance: grounding institutions on agents’ attitudes
E Lorini, D Longin, B Gaudou, A Herzig
Journal of Logic and Computation 19 (6), 901-940, 2009
A logic of intention with cooperation principles and with assertive speech acts as communication primitives
A Herzig, D Longin
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
A logical framework for grounding-based dialogue analysis
B Gaudou, A Herzig, D Longin
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 157 (4), 117-137, 2006
Belief dynamics in cooperative dialogues
A Herzig, D Longin
Journal of Semantics 17 (2), 91-115, 2000
Prolegomena for a logic of trust and reputation
A Herzig, E Lorini, JF Hübner, J Ben-Naim, O Boissier, C Castelfranchi, ...
3rd International Workshop on Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS 2008 …, 2008
Grounding and the Expression of Belief.
B Gaudou, A Herzig, D Longin
KR, 221-229, 2006
Expressive multimodal conversational acts for saiba agents
J Rivière, C Adam, S Pesty, C Pelachaud, N Guiraud, D Longin, E Lorini
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2011 …, 2011
A new semantics for the FIPA agent communication language based on social attitudes
B Gaudou, A Herzig, D Longin, M Nickles
ECAI 6, 245-249, 2006
Modeling a real-case situation of egress using BDI agents with emotions and social skills
M Valette, B Gaudou, D Longin, P Taillandier
PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 21st …, 2018
Peer interaction and problem solving: One example of a logical-discursive analysis of a process of joint decision making
A Trognon, C Sorsana, M Batt, D Longin
European Journal of developmental psychology 5 (5), 623-643, 2008
Sensing and revision in a modal logic of belief and action
A Herzig¹, D Longin
ECAI 2002: 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 21-26 …, 2002
Anchoring institutions in agents' attitudes: Towards a logical framework for autonomous MAS
B Gaudou, D Longin, E Lorini, L Tummolini
7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2008
論文 1–20