オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Jeffrey M. Good詳細
一般には非公開: 1 件
Negligible nuclear introgression despite complete mitochondrial capture between two species of chipmunks
JM Good, D Vanderpool, S Keeble, K Bi
Evolution 69 (8), 1961-1972, 2015
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
一般公開: 66 件
A draft sequence of the Neandertal genome
RE Green, J Krause, AW Briggs, T Maricic, U Stenzel, M Kircher, ...
science 328 (5979), 710-722, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave in Siberia
D Reich, RE Green, M Kircher, J Krause, N Patterson, EY Durand, B Viola, ...
Nature 468 (7327), 1053-1060, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Harnessing the power of RADseq for ecological and evolutionary genomics
KR Andrews, JM Good, MR Miller, G Luikart, PA Hohenlohe
Nature Reviews Genetics 17 (2), 81-92, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
A complete Neandertal mitochondrial genome sequence determined by high-throughput sequencing
RE Green, AS Malaspinas, J Krause, AW Briggs, PLF Johnson, C Uhler, ...
Cell 134 (3), 416-426, 2008
委任: US National Institutes of Health
The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes
K Prüfer, K Munch, I Hellmann, K Akagi, JR Miller, B Walenz, S Koren, ...
Nature 486 (7404), 527-531, 2012
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Danish …
Unlocking the vault: Next‐generation museum population genomics
K Bi, T Linderoth, D Vanderpool, JM Good, R Nielsen, C Moritz
Molecular ecology 22 (24), 6018-6032, 2013
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Rabbit genome analysis reveals a polygenic basis for phenotypic change during domestication
M Carneiro, CJ Rubin, F Di Palma, FW Albert, J Alföldi, AM Barrio, ...
Science 345 (6200), 1074-1079, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia …
Targeted investigation of the Neandertal genome by array-based sequence capture
HA Burbano, E Hodges, RE Green, AW Briggs, J Krause, M Meyer, ...
science 328 (5979), 723-725, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Targeted capture in evolutionary and ecological genomics
MR Jones, JM Good
Molecular ecology 25 (1), 185-202, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Adaptive introgression underlies polymorphic seasonal camouflage in snowshoe hares
MR Jones, LS Mills, PC Alves, CM Callahan, JM Alves, DJR Lafferty, ...
Science 360 (6395), 1355-1358, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
A complex genetic basis to X-linked hybrid male sterility between two species of house mice
JM Good, MD Dean, MW Nachman
Genetics 179 (4), 2213-2228, 2008
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Function and underlying mechanisms of seasonal colour moulting in mammals and birds: what keeps them changing in a warming world?
M Zimova, K Hackländer, JM Good, J Melo‐Ferreira, PC Alves, LS Mills
Biological Reviews 93 (3), 1478-1498, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Widespread Over-Expression of the X Chromosome in Sterile F1 Hybrid Mice
JM Good, T Giger, MD Dean, MW Nachman
PLoS genetics 6 (9), e1001148, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Winter color polymorphisms identify global hot spots for evolutionary rescue from climate change
LS Mills, EV Bragina, AV Kumar, M Zimova, DJR Lafferty, J Feltner, ...
Science 359 (6379), 1033-1036, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
The genomic architecture of population divergence between subspecies of the European rabbit
M Carneiro, FW Albert, S Afonso, RJ Pereira, H Burbano, R Campos, ...
PLoS Genetics 10 (8), e1003519, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia …
Meiotic sex chromosome inactivation is disrupted in sterile hybrid male house mice
P Campbell, JM Good, MW Nachman
Genetics 193 (3), 819-828, 2013
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Temporal genomic contrasts reveal rapid evolutionary responses in an alpine mammal during recent climate change
KE Bi, T Linderoth, S Singhal, D Vanderpool, JL Patton, R Nielsen, ...
PLoS Genetics 15 (5), e1008119, 2019
委任: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Gordon and …
Bonobos fall within the genomic variation of chimpanzees
A Fischer, K Prüfer, JM Good, M Halbwax, V Wiebe, C Andre, R Atencia, ...
PloS one 6 (6), e21605, 2011
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Rapid neo-sex chromosome evolution and incipient speciation in a major forest pest
RR Bracewell, BJ Bentz, BT Sullivan, JM Good
Nature communications 8 (1), 1593, 2017
委任: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Agriculture
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