Elisa Palazzi
Elisa Palazzi
Department of Physics, University of Torino, Italy and CNR-ISAC
確認したメール アドレス: isac.cnr.it
Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world
Nature climate change 5 (5), 424-430, 2015
The ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate
HO Pörtner, DC Roberts, V Masson-Delmotte, P Zhai, M Tignor, ...
IPCC special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate 1155 …, 2019
Precipitation in the Hindu‐Kush Karakoram Himalaya: observations and future scenarios
E Palazzi, J Von Hardenberg, A Provenzale
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (1), 85-100, 2013
Climate changes and their elevational patterns in the mountains of the world
NC Pepin, E Arnone, A Gobiet, K Haslinger, S Kotlarski, C Notarnicola, ...
Reviews of geophysics 60 (1), e2020RG000730, 2022
Implications of climate change on landslide hazard in Central Italy
M Alvioli, M Melillo, F Guzzetti, M Rossi, E Palazzi, J von Hardenberg, ...
Science of The Total Environment 630, 1528-1543, 2018
Comparison of box-air-mass-factors and radiances for Multiple-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) geometries calculated from different UV/visible …
T Wagner, JP Burrows, T Deutschmann, B Dix, C Von Friedeburg, U Frieß, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (7), 1809-1833, 2007
Elevation-dependent warming in global climate model simulations at high spatial resolution
E Palazzi, L Mortarini, S Terzago, J Von Hardenberg
Climate Dynamics 52 (5), 2685-2702, 2019
Observed climate change hotspots
M Turco, E Palazzi, J von Hardenberg, A Provenzale
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (9), 3521-3528, 2015
Insights into elevation-dependent warming in the Tibetan Plateau-Himalayas from CMIP5 model simulations
E Palazzi, L Filippi, J von Hardenberg
Climate Dynamics 48 (11), 3991-4008, 2017
Future hydrological regimes in the upper indus basin: A case study from a high-altitude glacierized catchment
A Soncini, D Bocchiola, G Confortola, A Bianchi, R Rosso, C Mayer, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (1), 306-326, 2015
Precipitation in the Karakoram-Himalaya: a CMIP5 view
E Palazzi, J von Hardenberg, S Terzago, A Provenzale
Climate Dynamics 45, 21-45, 2015
The spatiotemporal variability of precipitation over the Himalaya: evaluation of one‐year WRF model simulation
J Norris, LMV Carvalho, C Jones, F Cannon, B Bookhagen, E Palazzi, ...
Climate Dynamics, 1-26, 2016
Risk mapping for the sustainable protection of cultural heritage in extreme changing environments
A Sardella, E Palazzi, J von Hardenberg, C Del Grande, P De Nuntiis, ...
Atmosphere 11 (7), 700, 2020
Predicting the vulnerability of seasonally-flooded wetlands to climate change across the Mediterranean Basin
G Lefebvre, L Redmond, C Germain, E Palazzi, S Terzago, L Willm, ...
Science of the Total Environment 692, 546-555, 2019
Multidecadal variations in the relationship between the NAO and winter precipitation in the Hindu Kush–Karakoram
L Filippi, E Palazzi, J von Hardenberg, A Provenzale
Journal of climate 27 (20), 7890-7902, 2014
Integration of satellite remote sensing data in ecosystem modelling at local scales: Practices and trends
D Pasetto, S Arenas‐Castro, J Bustamante, R Casagrandi, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (8), 1810-1821, 2018
Elevation dependent precipitation and temperature changes over Indian Himalayan region
AP Dimri, E Palazzi, AS Daloz
Climate Dynamics 59 (1), 1-21, 2022
Snowpack changes in the Hindu Kush–Karakoram–Himalaya from CMIP5 global climate models
S Terzago, J von Hardenberg, E Palazzi, A Provenzale
Journal of Hydrometeorology 15 (6), 2293-2313, 2014
Snow water equivalent in the Alps as seen by gridded data sets, CMIP5 and CORDEX climate models
S Terzago, J von Hardenberg, E Palazzi, A Provenzale
The Cryosphere 11 (4), 1625-1645, 2017
Sensitivity of snow models to the accuracy of meteorological forcings in mountain environments
S Terzago, V Andreoli, G Arduini, G Balsamo, L Campo, C Cassardo, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (8), 4061-4090, 2020
論文 1–20