Margaret T. Jones
Margaret T. Jones
Professor, College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University
確認したメール アドレス: gmu.edu
Effects of physioball and conventional floor exercises on early phase adaptations in back and abdominal core stability and balance in women
LM Cosio-Lima, KL Reynolds, C Winter, V Paolone, MT Jones
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 17 (4), 721-725, 2003
Forced and voluntary exercise differentially affect brain and behavior
JL Leasure, M Jones
Neuroscience 156 (3), 456-465, 2008
Mucociliary tracheal transport rates in man
DB Yeates, N Aspin, H Levison, MT Jones, AC Bryan
Journal of applied physiology 39 (3), 487-495, 1975
Resistance training improves strength and functional measures in patients with end-stage renal disease
S Headley, M Germain, P Mailloux, J Mulhern, B Ashworth, J Burris, ...
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 40 (2), 355-364, 2002
A positive vestibular/ocular motor screening (VOMS) is associated with increased recovery time after sports-related concussion in youth and adolescent athletes
AJ Anzalone, D Blueitt, T Case, T McGuffin, K Pollard, JC Garrison, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 45 (2), 474-479, 2017
Development of speed, agility, and quickness for tennis athletes
LS Parsons, MT Jones
Strength & Conditioning Journal 20 (3), 14-19, 1998
Serum neurofilament light in American football athletes over the course of a season
JM Oliver, MT Jones, KM Kirk, DA Gable, JT Repshas, TA Johnson, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 33 (19), 1784-1789, 2016
Gender differences and access to a sports dietitian influence dietary habits of collegiate athletes
MV Hull, AR Jagim, JM Oliver, M Greenwood, DR Busteed, MT Jones
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 13 (1), 38, 2016
Guidelines to the implementation of a dynamic stretching program
DP Mann, MT Jones
Strength & Conditioning Journal 21 (6), 53, 1999
Accuracy of resting metabolic rate prediction equations in athletes
AR Jagim, CL Camic, J Kisiolek, J Luedke, J Erickson, MT Jones, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 32 (7), 1875-1881, 2018
Effect of docosahexaenoic acid on a biomarker of head trauma in American football
JM Oliver, MT Jones, KM Kirk, DA Gable, JT Repshas, TA Johnson, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 48 (6), 974-982, 2016
Velocity drives greater power observed during back squat using cluster sets
JM Oliver, A Kreutzer, SC Jenke, MD Phillips, JB Mitchell, MT Jones
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 30 (1), 235-243, 2016
Acute response to cluster sets in trained and untrained men
JM Oliver, A Kreutzer, S Jenke, MD Phillips, JB Mitchell, MT Jones
European journal of applied physiology 115, 2383-2393, 2015
Effects of lifting tempo on one repetition maximum and hormonal responses to a bench press protocol
SA Headley, K Henry, BC Nindl, BA Thompson, WJ Kraemer, MT Jones
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 25 (2), 406-413, 2011
The acute effects of multi-ingredient pre-workout ingestion on strength performance, lower body power, and anaerobic capacity
AR Jagim, MT Jones, GA Wright, C St. Antoine, A Kovacs, JM Oliver
Journal of the international society of sports nutrition 13, 1-10, 2016
Body composition variables by sport and sport-position in elite collegiate athletes
JB Fields, JJ Merrigan, JB White, MT Jones
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 32 (11), 3153-3159, 2018
Relationships between linear speed and lower-body power with change-of-direction speed in national collegiate athletic association divisions I and II women soccer athletes
RG Lockie, JJ Dawes, MT Jones
Sports 6 (2), 30, 2018
Greater strength drives difference in power between sexes in the conventional deadlift exercise
MT Jones, AR Jagim, GG Haff, PJ Carr, J Martin, JM Oliver
Sports 4 (3), 43, 2016
Acute effects of a cluster-set protocol on hormonal, metabolic and performance measures in resistance-trained males
JC Girman, MT Jones, TD Matthews, RJ Wood
European journal of sport science 14 (2), 151-159, 2014
IGF-I system responses during 12 weeks of resistance training in end-stage renal disease patients
BC Nindl, SA Headley, AP Tuckow, CE Pandorf, A Diamandi, MJ Khosravi, ...
Growth hormone & IGF research 14 (3), 245-250, 2004
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