Sophie Kenny
Sophie Kenny
VPixx Technologies
確認したメール アドレス: vpixx.com
Presence and Cybersickness in Virtual Reality Are Negatively Related: A Review
S Weech, S Kenny, M Barnett-Cowan
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 158, 2019
Growing up multitasking: The costs and benefits for cognitive development
ML Courage, A Bakhtiar, C Fitzpatrick, S Kenny, K Brandeau
Developmental Review 35, 5-41, 2015
Narrative and gaming experience interact to affect presence and cybersickness in virtual reality
S Weech, S Kenny, M Lenizky, M Barnett-Cowan
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 138, 102398, 2020
What causes the facing-the-viewer bias in biological motion?
S Weech, M McAdam, S Kenny, NF Troje
Journal of vision 14 (12), 10-10, 2014
The role of eye movements in the missing-letter effect revisited with the rapid serial visual presentation procedure.
J Saint-Aubin, S Kenny, A Roy-Charland
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2010
Can skilled readers perform a second task in parallel? A functional connectivity MRI study
AJ Newman, S Kenny, J Saint-Aubin, RM Klein
Brain and language 124 (1), 84-95, 2013
Perceptual Effects of Inconsistency in Human Animations
S Kenny, N Mahmood, C Honda, MJ Black, NF Troje
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 16 (1), 1-18, 2019
Perceptual effects of inconsistency in human animations
S Kenny
Queen's University (Canada), 2017
Limits of subjective and objective vection for ultra-high frame rate visual displays
S Weech, S Kenny, CM Calderon, M Barnett-Cowan
Displays 64, 101961, 2020
Does a convexity prior explain the facing-the-viewer bias in the perception of biological motion
S Weech, M McAdam, S Kenny, N Troje
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 187-187, 2013
Effects of animation retargeting on perceived action outcomes
S Kenny, N Mahmood, C Honda, MJ Black, NF Troje
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 1-7, 2017
Assessing the accuracy of eye-tracking through passive filter and active shutter-glasses.
S Kenny, J Tong, A Estephan
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 5672-5672, 2023
Wish I Weren’t Here: Presence and Cybersickness in Virtual Reality Games
S Kenny, S Weech, T Black, J Ehrentraut, A Fleck, E Ocelewski, J Resch, ...
2018 Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment (LOVE) Conference, 2018
Effects of movement-shape inconsistencies on perceived weight of lifted boxes.
S Kenny, N Troje
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 276-276, 2016
Changes in camera elevation dictate perception of point-light walkers' facing direction.
S Kenny, N Troje
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1017-1017, 2014
Can we perceive linear perspective in biological motion point-light displays?
N Troje, S Weech, S Kenny
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 188-188, 2013
Action concepts and the enactment effect
SS Kenny
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2012
Does linear perspective resolve depth ambiguity in biological motion displays?
NF Troje, S Weech, S Kenny
Changes in camera elevation dictate perceived facing direction of depth-ambiguous biological motion stimuli
S Kenny, NF Troje
論文 1–19