Principal Scientist, Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres
確認したメール アドレス: icar.gov.in
Next generation sequencing technologies for next generation plant breeding
S Ray, P Satya
Frontiers in plant science 5, 367, 2014
Start codon targeted (SCoT) polymorphism reveals genetic diversity in wild and domesticated populations of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaudich.), a premium textile fiber …
P Satya, M Karan, S Jana, S Mitra, A Sharma, PG Karmakar, DP Ray
Meta gene 3, 62-70, 2015
Research advances in major cereal crops for adaptation to abiotic stresses
RK Maiti, P Satya
GM crops & food 5 (4), 259-279, 2014
Establishment of the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana as a season long endophyte in jute (Corchorus olitorius) and its rapid detection using SCAR marker
C Biswas, P Dey, S Satpathy, P Satya
BioControl 57 (4), 565-571, 2012
Endophytic colonization of white jute (Corchorus capsularis) plants by different Beauveria bassiana strains for managing stem weevil (Apion corchori)
C Biswas, P Dey, S Satpathy, P Satya, BS Mahapatra
Phytoparasitica 41, 17-21, 2013
Pathways associated with lignin biosynthesis in lignomaniac jute fibres
A Chakraborty, D Sarkar, P Satya, PG Karmakar, NK Singh
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 290 (4), 1523-1542, 2015
Crop plant anatomy
RK Maiti
Cabi, 2012
The draft genome of Corchorus olitorius cv. JRO-524 (Navin)
D Sarkar, AK Mahato, P Satya, A Kundu, S Singh, PK Jayaswal, A Singh, ...
Genomics Data 12, 151-154, 2017
A complete genetic linkage map and QTL analyses for bast fibre quality traits, yield and yield components in jute (Corchorus olitorius L.)
N Topdar, A Kundu, MK Sinha, D Sarkar, M Das, S Banerjee, CS Kar, ...
Cytology and Genetics 47 (3), 129-137, 2013
Confamiliar transferability of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) to twenty two …
P Satya, PK Paswan, S Ghosh, S Majumdar, N Ali
3 Biotech 6 (1), 65, 2016
Optimization of alkali pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) biomass using response surface methodology
L Sharma, NM Alam, S Roy, P Satya, G Kar, S Ghosh, T Goswami, ...
Bioresource Technology 368, 128318, 2023
Assessment of molecular diversity and evolutionary relationship of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.), roselle (H. sabdariffa L.) and their wild relatives
P Satya, M Karan, CS Kar, AK Mahapatra, BS Mahapatra
Plant Systematics and Evolution 299, 619-629, 2013
Stripe noise removal from remote sensing images
PM Satya, S Jagadish, V Satyanarayana, MK Singh
2021 6th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and …, 2021
Resolving population structure and genetic differentiation associated with RAD-SNP loci under selection in tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.)
D Sarkar, A Kundu, D Das, A Chakraborty, NA Mandal, P Satya, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 294, 479-492, 2019
Ramie: the strongest bast fibre of nature
S Mitra, S Saha, B Guha, K Chakrabarti, P Satya, AK Sharma, ...
Technical bulletin 8, 2013
Bast and leaf fibre crops: kenaf, hemp, jute, Agave, etc.
PS Pratik Satya, RM Ratikanta Maiti
Biofuel crops: production, physiology and genetics, 292-311, 2013
Rapid and inexpensive NaOH based direct PCR for amplification of nuclear and organelle DNA from ramie (Boehmeria nivea), a bast fibre crop containing complex polysaccharides
P Satya, S Mitra, DP Ray, BS Mahapatra, M Karan, S Jana, AK Sharma
Industrial Crops and Products 50, 532-536, 2013
Horizon of world plant fibers: an insight
RK Maiti, HG Rodriguez, P Satya
Puspa Publishing House, 2010
Evaluation of ramie fibre quality: a review
P Banerjee, DP Ray, P Satya, S Debnath, D Mondal, SC Saha, PK Biswas
International Journal of Bioresource Science 2 (1), 65-69, 2015
Genome synteny and evolution of AABB allotetraploids in Hibiscus section Furcaria revealed by interspecific hybridization, ISSR and SSR markers
P Satya, M Karan, D Sarkar, MK Sinha
Plant Systematics and Evolution 298, 1257-1270, 2012
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