William C. Woods
William C. Woods
確認したメール アドレス: pitt.edu
Personalized models of psychopathology
AGC Wright, WC Woods
Annual review of clinical psychology 16, 49-74, 2020
Time to get personal? The impact of researchers choices on the selection of treatment targets using the experience sampling methodology
JA Bastiaansen, YK Kunkels, FJ Blaauw, SM Boker, E Ceulemans, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 137, 110211, 2020
Focusing personality assessment on the person: Modeling general, shared, and person specific processes in personality and psychopathology.
AGC Wright, KM Gates, C Arizmendi, ST Lane, WC Woods, EA Edershile
Psychological assessment 31 (4), 502, 2019
Integrating structure and dynamics in personality assessment: First steps toward the development and validation of a personality dynamics diary.
J Zimmermann, WC Woods, S Ritter, M Happel, O Masuhr, U Jaeger, ...
Psychological assessment 31 (4), 516, 2019
Indicators of affect dynamics: Structure, reliability, and personality correlates
LP Wendt, AGC Wright, PA Pilkonis, WC Woods, JJA Denissen, A Kühnel, ...
European Journal of Personality 34 (6), 1060-1072, 2020
A day in the life of Narcissus: Measuring narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability in daily life.
EA Edershile, WC Woods, BM Sharpe, ML Crowe, JD Miller, AGC Wright
Psychological Assessment 31 (7), 913, 2019
A comparison of signal-and event-contingent ambulatory assessment of interpersonal behavior and affect in social situations.
PH Himmelstein, WC Woods, AGC Wright
Psychological Assessment 31 (7), 952, 2019
Personalized models of psychopathology as contextualized dynamic processes: An example from individuals with borderline personality disorder.
WC Woods, C Arizmendi, KM Gates, SD Stepp, PA Pilkonis, AGC Wright
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 88 (3), 240, 2020
The role of ordinary conversation and shared activity in the main effect between perceived support and affect
WC Woods, B Lakey, T Sain
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (3), 356-368, 2016
Daily stress and hassles
AGC Wright, EN Aslinger, B Bellamy, EA Edershile, WC Woods
The Oxford handbook of stress and mental health, 27-44, 2020
The relationship between dating violence and bystander behavior: An initial investigation
WC Woods, RC Shorey, CV Strauss, TL Cornelius, T Rowland
Partner abuse 7 (1), 55-69, 2016
Psychometric evaluation of a Visual Interpersonal Analog Scale.
WC Woods, EA Edershile, WR Ringwald, BM Sharpe, PH Himmelstein, ...
Psychological assessment 35 (4), 311, 2023
Bystander intervention behavior as function of victimization history, opportunity, and situational context
WC Woods, TA Kistler, GL Stuart, TL Cornelius
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37 (9-10), NP8006-NP8031, 2022
Psychometric properties of the SCARED in a nationally representative US sample of 5–12-year-olds
SL Sequeira, JS Silk, WC Woods, DJ Kolko, O Lindhiem
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 2020
In the eye of the beholder: A comprehensive analysis of stimulus type, perceiver, and target in physical attractiveness perceptions
MA Bowdring, MA Sayette, JM Girard, WC Woods
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 45 (2), 241-259, 2021
Efficacy of a stress management intervention for mothers of children with cancer
AL Marsland, CP Walsh, JL Cleary, AD Vaisleib, C Farrell, WC Woods, ...
Journal of Pediatric Psychology 45 (7), 812-824, 2020
Attachment and borderline personality disorder: differential effects on situational socio-affective processes
A Kaurin, JE Beeney, SD Stepp, LN Scott, WC Woods, PA Pilkonis, ...
Affective science 1, 117-127, 2020
Psychopathology and personality functioning
WR Ringwald, WC Woods, EA Edershile, BM Sharpe, AGC Wright
The handbook of personality dynamics and processes, 273-293, 2021
Supportive people evoke positive affect, but do not reduce negative affect, while supportive groups result from favorable dyadic, not group effects
B Lakey, SA Hubbard, WC Woods, J Brummans, A Obreiter, E Fles, ...
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 35 (3), 323-338, 2022
The effect of item order on psychological aggression reporting: An examination with the multidimensional measure of emotional abuse
RC Shorey, C Strauss, WC Woods, TL Cornelius
Partner abuse 7 (2), 125-139, 2016
論文 1–20