Elmer Gilbert
Elmer Gilbert
Professor of Engineering
確認したメール アドレス: umich.edu
A fast procedure for computing the distance between complex objects in three-dimensional space
EG Gilbert, DW Johnson, SS Keerthi
IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation 4 (2), 193-203, 2002
Linear systems with state and control constraints: The theory and application of maximal output admissible sets
EG Gilbert, KT Tan
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 36 (9), 1008-1020, 1991
Optimal infinite-horizon feedback laws for a general class of constrained discrete-time systems: Stability and moving-horizon approximations
SS Keerthi, EG Gilbert
Journal of optimization theory and applications 57, 265-293, 1988
Theory and computation of disturbance invariant sets for discrete‐time linear systems
I Kolmanovsky, EG Gilbert
Mathematical problems in engineering 4 (4), 317-367, 1998
Controllability and observability in multivariable control systems
EG Gilbert
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Series A …, 1963
The decoupling of multivariable systems by state feedback
EG Gilbert
SIAM Journal on Control 7 (1), 50-63, 1969
Distance functions and their application to robot path planning in the presence of obstacles
E Gilbert, D Johnson
IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation 1 (1), 21-30, 1985
Convergence of a generalized SMO algorithm for SVM classifier design
SS Keerthi, EG Gilbert
Machine Learning 46, 351-360, 2002
Discrete‐time reference governors and the nonlinear control of systems with state and control constraints
EG Gilbert, I Kolmanovsky, KT Tan
International Journal of robust and nonlinear control 5 (5), 487-504, 1995
Nonlinear tracking control in the presence of state and control constraints: a generalized reference governor
E Gilbert, I Kolmanovsky
Automatica 38 (12), 2063-2073, 2002
Computation of minimum-time feedback control laws for discrete-time systems with state-control constraints
S Keerthi, E Gilbert
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 32 (5), 432-435, 2003
An iterative procedure for computing the minimum of a quadratic form on a convex set
EG Gilbert
SIAM Journal on Control 4 (1), 61-80, 1966
Fast reference governors for systems with state and control constraints and disturbance inputs
EG Gilbert, I Kolmanovsky
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 1999
Computing the distance between general convex objects in three-dimensional space
EG Gilbert, CP Foo
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 6 (1), 53-61, 1990
Maximal output admissible sets for discrete-time systems with disturbance inputs
I Kolmanovsky, EG Gilbert
Proceedings of 1995 American Control Conference-ACC'95 3, 1995
An approach to nonlinear feedback control with applications to robotics
EG Gilbert, IJ Ha
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, 879-884, 1984
Robust tracking in nonlinear systems
IN Ha, E Gilbert
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 32 (9), 763-771, 1987
Functional expansions for the response of nonlinear differential systems
E Gilbert
IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 22 (6), 909-921, 1977
Growth distances: New measures for object separation and penetration
CJ Ong, EG Gilbert
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 12 (6), 888-903, 1996
Nonlinear control of discrete-time linear systems with state and control constraints: A reference governor with global convergence properties
EG Gilbert, I Kolmanovsky, KT Tan
Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1, 144-149, 1994
論文 1–20