Huanan Zhang
Huanan Zhang
Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder
確認したメール アドレス: Colorado.edu - ホームページ
Closing the gap: A learning algorithm for lost-sales inventory systems with lead times
H Zhang, X Chao, C Shi
Management Science 66 (5), 1962-1980, 2020
Approximation algorithms for perishable inventory systems
X Chao, X Gong, C Shi, H Zhang
Operations Research 63 (3), 585-601, 2015
Perishable inventory systems: Convexity results for base-stock policies and learning algorithms under censored demand
H Zhang, X Chao, C Shi
Operations Research 66 (5), 1276-1286, 2018
Approximation algorithms for capacitated perishable inventory systems with positive lead times
X Chao, X Gong, C Shi, C Yang, H Zhang, SX Zhou
Management Science 64 (11), 5038-5061, 2018
Approximation algorithms for perishable inventory systems with setup costs
H Zhang, C Shi, X Chao
Operations Research 64 (2), 432-440, 2016
Joint learning and optimization for multi-product pricing (and ranking) under a general cascade click model
X Gao, S Jasin, S Najafi, H Zhang
Management Science 68 (10), 7362-7382, 2022
Assortment optimization with multi-item basket purchase under multivariate mnl model
S Jasin, C Lyu, S Najafi, H Zhang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 26 (1), 215-232, 2024
Approximation algorithms for capacitated stochastic inventory systems with setup costs
C Shi, H Zhang, X Chao, R Levi
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 61 (4), 304-319, 2014
Online learning and optimization of (some) cyclic pricing policies in the presence of patient customers
H Zhang, S Jasin
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (2), 1165-1182, 2022
Online learning and optimization for revenue management problems with add-on discounts
D Simchi-Levi, R Sun, H Zhang
Management Science 68 (10), 7402-7421, 2022
Stochastic regret minimization for revenue management problems with nonstationary demands
H Zhang, C Shi, C Qin, C Hua
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 63 (6), 433-448, 2016
Ucb-type learning algorithms with kaplan–meier estimator for lost-sales inventory models with lead times
C Lyu, H Zhang, L Xin
Operations Research 72 (4), 1317-1332, 2024
A faster algorithm for the resource allocation problem with convex cost functions
C Shi, H Zhang, C Qin
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 34, 137-146, 2015
An efficient learning framework for multiproduct inventory systems with customer choices
X Gao, H Zhang
Production and Operations Management 31 (6), 2492-2516, 2022
Online learning for pricing in on-demand vehicle sharing networks
S Benjaafar, X Gao, X Shen, H Zhang
Available at SSRN 4344364, 2023
Online learning and optimization of (some) cyclic pricing policies for revenue management with patient customers
H Zhang, S Jasin
Manufacturing Service Oper. Management, 2021
Asymptotic optimality of simple replenishment policies for a lost-sales inventory system with delivery lead time and purchase returns
J Bu, H Zhang, S Jasin
Available at SSRN 4620208, 2023
Inventory Control with Censored Demand
X Gao, H Zhang
The Elements of Joint Learning and Optimization in Operations Management …, 2022
Online learning in inventory and pricing optimization
X Chao, B Chen, H Zhang
Research Handbook on Inventory Management, 333-378, 2023
論文 1–19