オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Franciska Krings詳細
一般公開: 25 件
The role of career adaptability and work conditions on general and professional well-being
C Maggiori, CS Johnston, F Krings, K Massoudi, J Rossier
Journal of vocational behavior 83 (3), 437-449, 2013
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Trust in medical organizations predicts pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccination behavior and perceived efficacy of protection measures in the Swiss public
I Gilles, A Bangerter, A Clémence, EGT Green, F Krings, C Staerklé, ...
European journal of epidemiology 26, 203-210, 2011
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
The influence of personality and life events on subjective well-being from a life span perspective
V Gomez, F Krings, A Bangerter, A Grob
Journal of research in personality 43 (3), 345-354, 2009
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Lay perceptions of collectives at the outbreak of the H1N1 epidemic: heroes, villains and victims
P Wagner-Egger, A Bangerter, I Gilles, E Green, D Rigaud, F Krings, ...
Public understanding of science 20 (4), 461-476, 2011
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Longitudinal investigation of public trust in institutions relative to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Switzerland
A Bangerter, F Krings, A Mouton, I Gilles, EGT Green, A Clemence
PLoS one 7 (11), e49806, 2012
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Keeping the vermin out: Perceived disease threat and ideological orientations as predictors of exclusionary immigration attitudes
EGT Green, F Krings, C Staerklé, A Bangerter, A Clémence, ...
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 20 (4), 299-316, 2010
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Selective incivility: Immigrant groups experience subtle workplace discrimination at different rates.
F Krings, C Johnston, S Binggeli, C Maggiori
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 20 (4), 491, 2014
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Immigrants: A forgotten minority
S Binggeli, J Dietz, F Krings
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 6 (1), 107-113, 2013
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Collective symbolic coping with disease threat and othering: A case study of avian influenza
I Gilles, A Bangerter, A Clémence, EGT Green, F Krings, A Mouton, ...
British Journal of Social Psychology 52 (1), 83-102, 2013
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Cohort differences in personal goals and life satisfaction in young adulthood: Evidence for historical shifts in developmental tasks
F Krings, A Bangerter, V Gomez, A Grob
Journal of adult development 15, 93-105, 2008
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Stereotype content associated with immigrant groups in Switzerland
S Binggeli, F Krings, S Sczesny
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 2014
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Looking too old? How an older age appearance reduces chances of being hired
MC Kaufmann, F Krings, S Sczesny
British Journal of Management 27 (4), 727-739, 2016
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Workgroup climates and employees’ counterproductive work behaviours: A social‐cognitive perspective
G Bollmann, F Krings
Journal of Management Studies 53 (2), 184-209, 2016
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Believing in a personal just world helps maintain well-being at work by coloring organizational justice perceptions
CS Johnston, F Krings, C Maggiori, LL Meier, M Fiori
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 25 (6), 945-959, 2016
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Age bias in selection decisions: The role of facial appearance and fitness impressions
MC Kaufmann, F Krings, LA Zebrowitz, S Sczesny
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2065, 2017
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Older and younger job seekers' impression management on LinkedIn
F Krings, I Gioaba, M Kaufmann, S Sczesny, L Zebrowitz
Journal of personnel psychology, 2021
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Remember the children, honey! Spouses' gender‐role attitudes and working mothers' work‐to‐family conflict
RS Steiner, F Krings, BS Wiese
Applied Psychology 68 (2), 250-275, 2019
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Perceived competition explains regional differences in the stereotype content of immigrant groups
S Binggeli, F Krings, S Sczesny
Social Psychology, 2014
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Preventing Contagion With Avian Influenza: Disease Salience, Attitudes Toward Foreigners, and Avoidance Beliefs
F Krings, ET Green, A Bangerter, C Staerklé, A Clémence, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (6), 1451-1466, 2012
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
Differential associations of personal and general just-world beliefs with the five-factor and the HEXACO models of personality
G Bollmann, F Krings, C Maggiori, J Rossier
Personality and Individual Differences 87, 312-319, 2015
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation
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