Peter Dambach
Peter Dambach
Institute for Public Health, Heidelberg University, Germany
確認したメール アドレス: uni-heidelberg.de - ホームページ
Modeling tools for dengue risk mapping-a systematic review
VR Louis, R Phalkey, O Horstick, P Ratanawong, A Wilder-Smith, Y Tozan, ...
International journal of health geographics 13, 1-15, 2014
Effects of international labour migration on the mental health and well-being of left-behind children: a systematic literature review
K Antia, J Boucsein, A Deckert, P Dambach, J Račaitė, G Šurkienė, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (12), 4335, 2020
Utilization of combined remote sensing techniques to detect environmental variables influencing malaria vector densities in rural West Africa
P Dambach, V Machault, JP Lacaux, C Vignolles, A Sié, R Sauerborn
International Journal of Health Geographics 11, 1-12, 2012
Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis against malaria mosquitoes in northwestern Burkina Faso
P Dambach, VR Louis, A Kaiser, S Ouedraogo, A Sié, R Sauerborn, ...
Parasites & vectors 7, 1-8, 2014
Using high spatial resolution remote sensing for risk mapping of malaria occurrence in the Nouna district, Burkina Faso
P Dambach, A Sie, JP Lacaux, C Vignolles, V Machault, R Sauerborn
Global Health Action 2 (1), 2094, 2009
Climate change policies in 16 West African countries: A systematic review of adaptation with a focus on agriculture, food security, and nutrition
R Sorgho, CAM Quiñonez, VR Louis, V Winkler, P Dambach, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (23), 8897, 2020
Spatial analysis of tuberculosis in Douala, Cameroon: clustering and links with socio-economic status
A Nana Yakam, J Noeske, P Dambach, S Bowong, LA Fono, ...
The International journal of tuberculosis and lung disease 18 (3), 292-297, 2014
Reduction of malaria vector mosquitoes in a large-scale intervention trial in rural Burkina Faso using Bti based larval source management
P Dambach, T Baernighausen, I Traoré, S Ouedraogo, A Sié, ...
Malaria Journal 18, 1-9, 2019
The use of aquatic predators for larval control of mosquito disease vectors: opportunities and limitations
P Dambach
Biological control 150, 104357, 2020
Nightly biting cycles of Anopheles species in rural northwestern Burkina Faso
P Dambach, M Schleicher, P Korir, S Ouedraogo, J Dambach, A Sié, ...
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018
Routine implementation costs of larviciding with Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis against malaria vectors in a district in rural Burkina Faso
P Dambach, M Schleicher, HC Stahl, I Traoré, N Becker, A Kaiser, A Sié, ...
Malaria Journal 15, 1-15, 2016
HIV risk and pre-exposure prophylaxis interest among female bar workers in Dar es Salaam: cross-sectional survey
G Harling, A Muya, KF Ortblad, I Mashasi, P Dambach, N Ulenga, ...
BMJ open 9 (3), e023272, 2019
Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among Palestinian children and adolescents exposed to political violence: A systematic review and meta-analysis
N Agbaria, S Petzold, A Deckert, N Henschke, G Veronese, P Dambach, ...
PLoS one 16 (8), e0256426, 2021
Spatial variations in dengue transmission in schools in Thailand
P Ratanawong, P Kittayapong, P Olanratmanee, A Wilder-Smith, P Byass, ...
PLoS One 11 (9), e0161895, 2016
Socio-demographic characteristics and risk factors for HIV transmission in female bar workers in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review
P Dambach, B Mahenge, I Mashasi, A Muya, DA Barnhart, ...
BMC public health 20, 1-14, 2020
EMIRA: ecologic malaria reduction for Africa–innovative tools for integrated malaria control
P Dambach, I Traore, N Becker, A Kaiser, A Sié, R Sauerborn
Global health action 7 (1), 25908, 2014
The economic burden of treating uncomplicated hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review
E Gnugesser, C Chwila, S Brenner, A Deckert, P Dambach, JI Steinert, ...
BMC Public Health 22 (1), 1507, 2022
A qualitative study of community perception and acceptance of biological larviciding for malaria mosquito control in rural Burkina Faso
P Dambach, MM Jorge, I Traoré, R Phalkey, H Sawadogo, P Zabré, ...
BMC public health 18, 1-11, 2018
Impact of floods on undernutrition among children under five years of age in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review
CN Agabiirwe, P Dambach, TC Methula, RK Phalkey
Environmental Health 21 (1), 98, 2022
Performance of alternative COPD case-finding tools: a systematic review and meta-analysis
E Schnieders, E Ünal, V Winkler, P Dambach, VR Louis, O Horstick, ...
European Respiratory Review 30 (160), 2021
論文 1–20