Teodoro Georgiadis
Teodoro Georgiadis
CNR Institute for the BioEconomy (IBE)
確認したメール アドレス: ibe.cnr.it
Observed and potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the environment
S Cheval, C Mihai Adamescu, T Georgiadis, M Herrnegger, A Piticar, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (11), 4140, 2020
Joint control of terrestrial gross primary productivity by plant phenology and physiology
J Xia, S Niu, P Ciais, IA Janssens, J Chen, C Ammann, A Arain, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (9), 2788-2793, 2015
Cultural heritage and aerobiology
P Mandrioli, G Caneva, C Sabbioni
Methods and measurement techniques for biodeterioration monitoring. Kluwer …, 2003
Annual and monthly carbon balance in an intensively managed Mediterranean olive orchard
M Nardino, F Pernice, F Rossi, T Georgiadis, O Facini, A Motisi, A Drago
Photosynthetica 51, 63-74, 2013
Method for estimation of surface roughness and similarity function of wind speed vertical profile
R Sozzi, M Favaron, T Georgiadis
Journal of Applied Meteorology 37 (5), 461-469, 1998
Empirical estimation of daytime net radiation from shortwave radiation and ancillary information
B Jiang, Y Zhang, S Liang, G Wohlfahrt, A Arain, A Cescatti, T Georgiadis, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 211, 23-36, 2015
A chemiluminescent analyzer for stratospheric measurements of the ozone concentration (FOZAN)
V Yushkov, A Oulanovsky, N Lechenuk, I Roudakov, K Arshinov, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 16 (10), 1345-1350, 1999
Rooftop urban agriculture
F Orsini, M Dubbeling, H De Zeeuw, G Gianquinto
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Deposition of atmospheric nitrous acid on alkaline snow surfaces
HJ Beine, A Amoroso, G Esposito, R Sparapani, A Ianniello, T Georgiadis, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (10), 2005
Cloud cover classification through simultaneous ground-based measurements of solar and infrared radiation
A Orsini, C Tomasi, F Calzolari, M Nardino, A Cacciari, T Georgiadis
Atmospheric Research 61 (4), 251-275, 2002
Evidence of a Convective Boundary Layer Developingon the Antarctic Plateau during the Summer
G Mastrantonio, V Malvestuto, S Argentini, T Georgiadis, A Viola
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 71 (1), 127-132, 1999
Characteristics of the boundary layerat Ny-Ålesund in the Arctic during the ARTIST field experiment
S Argentini, AP Viola, G Mastrantonio, A Maurizi, T Georgiadis, M Nardino
Annals of Geophysics 46 (2), 2003
Transport of photochemical oxidants along the northwestern Adriatic coast
F Fortezza, V Strocchi, G Giovanelli, P Bonasoni, T Georgiadis
Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics 27 (15), 2393-2402, 1993
Vegetation-specific model parameters are not required for estimating gross primary production
W Yuan, W Cai, S Liu, W Dong, J Chen, MA Arain, PD Blanken, A Cescatti, ...
Ecological modelling 292, 1-10, 2014
Arctic radiation and turbulence interaction study (ARTIST)
J Hartmann, F Albers, S Argentini, A Bochert, U Bonafe, W Cohrs, ...
Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research) Alfred Wegener …, 1999
Urban imperviousness effects on summer surface temperatures nearby residential buildings in different urban zones of Parma
M Morabito, A Crisci, T Georgiadis, S Orlandini, M Munafò, L Congedo, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (1), 26, 2018
An underestimated role of precipitation frequency in regulating summer soil moisture
C Wu, JM Chen, J Pumpanen, A Cescatti, B Marcolla, PD Blanken, J Ardö, ...
Environmental Research Letters 7 (2), 024011, 2012
Indoor measurements of microclimate variables and ozone in the church of San Vincenzo (Monastery of Bassano Romano—Italy): A pilot study
E Vuerich, F Malaspina, M Barazutti, T Georgiadis, M Nardino
Microchemical Journal 88 (2), 218-223, 2008
Thermal bioclimate analysis for Europe and Italy
A Matzarakis, T Georgiadis, F Rossi
Nuovo Cimento-C 30 (6), 623-632, 2007
Concentration measurement in a road tunnel as a method to assess “real-world” vehicles exhaust emissions
G Zanini, M Berico, F Monforti, L Vitali, S Zambonelli, S Chiavarini, ...
Atmospheric Environment 40 (7), 1242-1254, 2006
論文 1–20