Tuncay Taymaz
Tuncay Taymaz
Professor of Geophysics/Seismology, Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye (Turkey)
確認したメール アドレス: itu.edu.tr - ホームページ
Active Tectonics of the North and Central Aegean Sea
T Taymaz, J Jackson, D McKenzie
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 106 (2), 433-490, 1991
Active Tectonics of the North and Central Aegean Sea
T Taymaz, J Jackson, D McKenzie
EUG-VI - European Union of Geosciences 3 (1), S25-35-Terra Abstracts, 1991
Source Parameters of Large Earthquakes in the East Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey)
T Taymaz, H Eyidog̃an, J Jackson
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 106 (3), 537-550, 1991
Earthquake Mechanisms in the Hellenic Trench near Crete
T Taymaz, J Jackson, R Westaway
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 102 (3), 695-731, 1990
Multiscale Full Waveform Inversion
A Fichtner, J Trampert, P Cupillard, E Saygin, T Taymaz, Y Capdeville, ...
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 194 (1), 534-556, 2013
The Geodynamics of the Aegean and Anatolia: Introduction
T Taymaz, Y Yilmaz, Y Dilek
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 291 (1), 1-16, 2007
The 1971 May 12 Burdur Earthquake Sequence, SW Turkey: A Synthesis of Seismological and Geological Observations
T Taymaz, S Price
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 108 (2), 589-603, 1992
High-Resolution Seismic Profiling in the Sea of Marmara (Northwest Turkey): Late Quaternary Sedimentation and Sea-Level Changes
AD Smith, T Taymaz, F Oktay, H Yuce, B Alpar, H Basaran, JA Jackson, ...
Geological Society of America (GSA) - Bulletin 107 (8), 923-936, 1995
Moho Structure of the Anatolian Plate From Receiver Function Analysis
EA Vanacore, T Taymaz, E Saygin
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 193 (1), 329-337, 2013
Variations in the Crustal Structure Beneath Western Turkey
P Saunders, K Priestley, T Taymaz
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 134 (2), 373-389, 1998
The Deep Structure of the North Anatolian Fault Zone
A Fichtner, E Saygin, T Taymaz, P Cupillard, Y Capdeville, J Trampert
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) 373, 109-117, 2013
Sub- and Super-Shear Ruptures During the 2023 Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 Earthquake Doublet in SE Türkiye
Diego Melgar, Tuncay Taymaz, Athanassios Ganas, Brendan Crowell, Taylan ...
SEISMICA 2 (3), 1-10, 2023
Earthquake Source Parameters Along the Hellenic Subduction Zone and Numerical Simulations of Historical Tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean
S Yolsal-Çevikbilen, T Taymaz
Tectonophysics 536, 61-100, 2012
Active Tectonics of the Caucasus: Earthquake Source Mechanisms and Rupture Histories Obtained From Inversion of Teleseismic Body Waveforms
O Tan, T Taymaz
Geological Society of America (GSA) - Special Papers 409, 531-578, 2006
Fault‐Slip Source Models for the 2011 M 7.1 Van Earthquake in Turkey from SAR Interferometry, Pixel Offset Tracking, GPS, and Seismic Waveform Analysis
EJ Fielding, PR Lundgren, T Taymaz, S Yolsal‐Çevikbilen, SE Owen
Seismological Research Letters 84 (4), 579-593, 2013
Understanding Tsunamis, Potential Source Regions and Tsunami-Prone Mechanisms in the Eastern Mediterranean
S Yolsal, T Taymaz, AC Yalçiner
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 291 (1), 201-230, 2007
The Collaborative Seismic Earth Model: Generation 1
A Fichtner, DP van Herwaarden, M Afanasiev, S Simutė, L Krischer, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (9), 4007-4016, 2018
3-D Crustal Structure Along the North Anatolian Fault Zone in North-Central Anatolia Revealed by Local Earthquake Tomography
S Yolsal-Çevikbilen, CB Biryol, S Beck, G Zandt, T Taymaz, HE Adiyaman, ...
Geophysical Journal International - Oxford 188 (3), 819-849, 2012
Consolidation Patterns During Initiation and Evolution of a Plate-Boundary Decollement Zone: Northern Barbados Accretionary Prism
JC Moore, A Klaus, NL Bangs, B Bekins, CJ Bücker, W Brückmann, ...
Geology 26 (9), 811-814, 1998
A Study of Microearthquake Seismicity and Focal Mechanisms within the Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey) Using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBSs)
T Sato, J Kasahara, T Taymaz, M Ito, A Kamimura, T Hayakawa, O Tan
Tectonophysics 391 (1-4), 303-314, 2004
論文 1–20