Power system dynamics and stability: with synchrophasor measurement and power system toolbox PW Sauer, MA Pai, JH Chow John Wiley & Sons, 2017 | 4202 | 2017 |
Uncertainty management in the unit commitment problem PA Ruiz, CR Philbrick, E Zak, KW Cheung, PW Sauer IEEE transactions on power systems 24 (2), 642-651, 2009 | 532 | 2009 |
The electric power engineering handbook-five volume set LL Grigsby CRC press, 2018 | 504 | 2018 |
Power system steady-state stability and the load-flow Jacobian PW Sauer, MA Pai IEEE Transactions on power systems 5 (4), 1374-1383, 1990 | 432 | 1990 |
Power system coherency and model reduction JH Chow Springer, 2013 | 407 | 2013 |
Is strong modal resonance a precursor to power system oscillations? I Dobson, J Zhang, S Greene, H Engdahl, PW Sauer IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2001 | 181 | 2001 |
A cyber-physical modeling and assessment framework for power grid infrastructures KR Davis, CM Davis, SA Zonouz, RB Bobba, R Berthier, L Garcia, ... IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (5), 2464-2475, 2015 | 174 | 2015 |
Optimal tap setting of voltage regulation transformers using batch reinforcement learning H Xu, AD Domínguez-García, PW Sauer IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (3), 1990-2001, 2019 | 165 | 2019 |
Real-time stability in power systems: techniques for early detection of the risk of blackout SC Savulescu Springer, 2014 | 164 | 2014 |
Dynamic Aspects of voltage/power characteristics C Rajagopalan, B Lesieutre, PW Sauer, MA Pai IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 7 (3), 990-1000, 1992 | 163 | 1992 |
Technical challenges of computing available transfer capability (ATC) in electric power systems PW Sauer Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System …, 1997 | 151 | 1997 |
Wind power day-ahead uncertainty management through stochastic unit commitment policies PA Ruiz, CR Philbrick, PW Sauer 2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-9, 2009 | 150 | 2009 |
Enhancement of linear ATC calculations by the incorporation of reactive power flows S Grijalva, PW Sauer, JD Weber IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 18 (2), 619-624, 2003 | 134 | 2003 |
Runtime semantic security analysis to detect and mitigate control-related attacks in power grids H Lin, A Slagell, ZT Kalbarczyk, PW Sauer, RK Iyer IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (1), 163-178, 2016 | 128 | 2016 |
On the Formulation of Power Distribution Factors for Linear Load Flow Methods PW Sauer IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 100 (No. 2), 764-770, 1981 | 127 | 1981 |
A user-friendly simulation program for teaching power system operations TJ Overbye, PW Sauer, CM Marzinzik, G Gross IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 10 (4), 1725-1733, 1995 | 119 | 1995 |
Relationships between voltage and angle stability of power systems CD Vournas, PW Sauer, MA Pai International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 18 (8), 493-500, 1996 | 118 | 1996 |
Data-driven voltage regulation in radial power distribution systems H Xu, AD Domínguez-García, VV Veeravalli, PW Sauer IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (3), 2133-2143, 2019 | 114 | 2019 |
Measurement-based estimation of linear sensitivity distribution factors and applications YC Chen, AD Domínguez-García, PW Sauer IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (3), 1372-1382, 2013 | 114 | 2013 |
Measurement-based estimation of the power flow Jacobian matrix YC Chen, J Wang, AD Domínguez-García, PW Sauer IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (5), 2507-2515, 2015 | 112 | 2015 |