Davide Calvaresi
Davide Calvaresi
Associate Professor at HES-SO Valais-Wallis
確認したメール アドレス: hevs.ch - ホームページ
Explainable agents and robots: Results from a systematic literature review
S Anjomshoae, A Najjar, D Calvaresi, K Främling
18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems …, 2019
Exploring the ambient assisted living domain: a systematic review
D Calvaresi, D Cesarini, P Sernani, M Marinoni, AF Dragoni, A Sturm
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 8 (2), 239-257, 2017
The challenge of real-time multi-agent systems for enabling IoT and CPS
D Calvaresi, M Marinoni, A Sturm, M Schumacher, G Buttazzo
in proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence …, 2017
Trust in Tourism via Blockchain Technology: Results from a Systematic Review
D Calvaresi, M Leis, A Dubovitskaya, R Schegg, M Schumacher
ENTER 2019, 2019
Multi-Agent Systems and Blockchain: Results from a Systematic Literature Review
D Calvaresi, A Dubovitskaya, JP Calbimonte, K Taveter, M Schumacher
A global taxonomy of interpretable AI: unifying the terminology for the technical and social sciences
M Graziani, L Dutkiewicz, D Calvaresi, JP Amorim, K Yordanova, M Vered, ...
Artificial intelligence review 56 (4), 3473-3504, 2023
Dynamic Consent Management for Clinical Trials via Private Blockchain Technology
A Giuseppe, JP Calbimonte, S Michael, D Calvaresi
journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, 2020
The Evolution of Chatbots in Tourism: a Systematic Literature Review
D Calvaresi, AIJP Calbimonte, R Schegg, E Fragniere, M Schumacher
Explainable multi-agent systems through blockchain technology
D Calvaresi, Y Mualla, A Najjar, S Galland, M Schumacher
Explainable, Transparent Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: First …, 2019
Agent-Based Explanations in AI: Towards an Abstract Framework⋆
G Ciatto, A Omicini, M Schumacher, D Calvaresi
Leveraging inter-tourists interactions via chatbots to bridge academia, tourism industries and future societies
D Calvaresi, A Ibrahim, JP Calbimonte, E Fragniere, R Schegg, ...
Journal of tourism futures 9 (3), 311-337, 2023
Social network chatbots for smoking cessation: agent and multi-agent frameworks
D Calvaresi, JP Calbimonte, F Dubosson, A Najjar, M Schumacher
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 286-292, 2019
The quest of parsimonious XAI: A human-agent architecture for explanation formulation
Y Mualla, I Tchappi, T Kampik, A Najjar, D Calvaresi, A Abbas-Turki, ...
Artificial intelligence 302, 103573, 2022
EREBOTS: Privacy-compliant agent-based platform for multi-scenario personalized health-assistant chatbots
D Calvaresi, JP Calbimonte, E Siboni, S Eggenschwiler, G Manzo, ...
Electronics 10 (6), 666, 2021
Real-time multi-agent systems for telerehabilitation scenarios
D Calvaresi, M Marinoni, AF Dragoni, R Hilfiker, M Schumacher
Artificial intelligence in medicine 96, 217-231, 2019
Multi-Agent Systems’ Negotiation Protocols for Cyber-Physical Systems: Results from a Systematic Literature Review
D Calvaresi, K Appoggetti, L Lustrissimini, M Marinoni, P Sernani, ...
In proceeding of International Conference on Agents and Artificial …, 2018
Agent-based systems for telerehabilitation: strengths, limitations and future challenges
D Calvaresi, M Schumacher, M Marinoni, R Hilfiker, AF Dragoni, ...
X Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, A2HC 2017 @ AAMAS, 2017
Reputation Management in Multi-Agent Systems using Permissioned Blockchain Technology
D Calvaresi, V Mattioli, A Dubovitskaya, AF Dragoni, M Schumacher
In proceeding of the conference on Web Intelligence, 2018
MEDIATION: An eMbEddeD system for auditory feedback of hand-water InterAcTION while swimming
D Cesarini, D Calvaresi, C Farnesi, D Taddei, S Frediani, BE Ungerechts, ...
Procedia Engineering 147, 324-329, 2016
Characterization and future perspectives of Virtual Reality Evacuation Drills for safe built environments: A Systematic Literature Review
E Gagliardi, G Bernardini, E Quagliarini, M Schumacher, D Calvaresi
Safety science 163, 106141, 2023
論文 1–20