Melanie L. Marine
Melanie L. Marine
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
確認したメール アドレス: science.oregonstate.edu
Genetic adaptation to captivity can occur in a single generation
MR Christie, ML Marine, RA French, MS Blouin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (1), 238-242, 2012
A single generation of domestication heritably alters the expression of hundreds of genes
MR Christie, ML Marine, SE Fox, RA French, MS Blouin
Nature communications 7 (1), 10676, 2016
Effective size of a wild salmonid population is greatly reduced by hatchery supplementation
MR Christie, ML Marine, RA French, RS Waples, MS Blouin
Heredity 109 (4), 254-260, 2012
Who are the missing parents? Grandparentage analysis identifies multiple sources of gene flow into a wild population
MR Christie, ML Marine, MS Blouin
Molecular Ecology 20 (6), 1263-1276, 2011
Hyperdiverse gene cluster in snail host conveys resistance to human schistosome parasites
JA Tennessen, A Théron, M Marine, JY Yeh, A Rognon, MS Blouin
PLoS genetics 11 (3), e1005067, 2015
Genome-Wide Scan and Test of Candidate Genes in the Snail Biomphalaria glabrata Reveal New Locus Influencing Resistance to Schistosoma mansoni
JA Tennessen, KM Bonner, SR Bollmann, JA Johnstun, JY Yeh, M Marine, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 9 (9), e0004077, 2015
How Much Does Inbreeding Contribute to the Reduced Fitness of Hatchery-Born Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Wild?
MR Christie, RA French, ML Marine, MS Blouin
Journal of Heredity 105 (1), 111-119, 2014
Sequencing and characterization of the anadromous steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) transcriptome
SE Fox, MR Christie, M Marine, HD Priest, TC Mockler, MS Blouin
Marine genomics 15, 13-15, 2014
A single generation of domestication heritably alters the expression of hundreds of genes. Nat. Commun. 7, 10676
MR Christie, ML Marine, SE Fox, RA French, MS Blouin
Sex reversal, selection against hatchery females or wild males does not explain differences in sex ratio between first generation hatchery and wild steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss
NF Thompson, KS Cole, LA McMahon, ML Marine, LD Curtis, MS Blouin
Environmental Biology of Fishes 98, 113-120, 2015
Spawn date explains variation in growth rate among families of hatchery reared Hood River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
NF Thompson, MR Christie, ML Marine, LD Curtis, MS Blouin
Environmental Biology of Fishes 99, 581-591, 2016
ChristieSingleGenerationDomesticationSupplementaryInformation. pdf
MR Christie, ML Marine, SE Fox, RA French, MS Blouin
ChristieSingleGenerationDomestication. pdf
MR Christie, ML Marine, SE Fox, RA French, MS Blouin
ChristieSingleGenerationDomesticationSupplementaryData3. pdf
MR Christie, ML Marine, SE Fox, RA French, MS Blouin
ChristieSingleGenerationDomesticationSupplementaryData2. xlsx
MR Christie, ML Marine, SE Fox, RA French, MS Blouin
ChristieMarkZoologyEffectiveSizeWild. pdf
MR Christie, ML Marine, RA French, RS Waples, MS Blouin
ChristieMarkZoologyEffectiveSizeWildSupplementaryInformation. pdf
MR Christie, ML Marine, RA French, RS Waples, MS Blouin
Reply to Matos: Maternal effects cannot explain documented patterns of reproductive success
MR Christie, ML Marine, RA French, MS Blouin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (36), E2381-E2381, 2012
Effective size of a wild salmonid population is greatly reduced by hatchery supplementation
MS Blouin, RA French, ML Marine, MR Christie, RS Waples
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